Record, publish and grow your

Record, publish and
grow your podcast

Record, publish and grow your podcast

Get everything you need to create a successful podcast.
Podbean makes it easy.

Get everything you need to create a successful podcast. Podbean makes it easy.

Get Started For Free

Everything you need to start a podcast

Unlimited Podcasting

Unlimited bandwidth and storage for an incredible flat rate. Never pay more no matter how much content you publish or how popular you get!

Easy Publishing

Get started without the learning curve. Publish your audio and video in one ultra-simple, secure platform to grow your audience quickly and easily.

Comprehensive Stats

Know exactly how your podcasts are performing and understand your audience better with Podbean's powerful podcast analytics.

Distribute Everywhere

Automatic publishing to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and major podcast directories. Social sharing tools and embeddable players for use on any site make it easy to spread the word about your podcast.

Everything you need
                  to start a podcast

Podcast Monetization

Podcast Advertising

Join Podbean’s Advertising Marketplace for free to get matched with potential advertisers. Or run your own ads using the PodAds SaaS for sophisticated ads management with dynamic insertion capability.

Apple Podcasts Subscriptions Integration

Leverage Apple Podcasts Subscriptions to receive monthly payments from loyal fans. Create subscription levels, provide exclusive content, and release episodes exclusively for subscribers.

Live Streaming

Receive livestream rewards from your audience and earn recurring income from your Fan Club membership.

Get Started


Find out why millions of podcasters choose Podbean for their podcast hosting and more.

Plans & Pricing

Our hosting plans in detail. Choose the right plan for you!

Unlimited Audio

Best for: Audio Podcasting

Unlimited Storage (audio only)

Unmetered Bandwidth

Beautiful Podcast Themes

Map your own domain

Advanced, IAB Certified Stats

iPhone and Android App

Podcast Monetization

$ 9 14 /mo.

You save 35%! Billed $108 annually.

Unlimited Plus

Best for: Video & Audio Podcasting

Unlimited Storage

Unmetered Bandwidth

Beautiful Podcast Themes

Map your own domain

Advanced, IAB Certified Stats

iPhone and Android App

Podcast Monetization

$ 29 39 /mo.

You save 25%! Billed $348 annually.

Unlimited Audio

Best for: Audio Podcasting

Unlimited Storage (audio only)

Unmetered Bandwidth

Beautiful Podcast Themes

Map your own domain

Advanced, IAB Certified Stats

iPhone and Android App

Podcast Monetization

$ 9 14 /mo.

You save 35%! Billed $108 annually.

Unlimited Plus

Best for: Video & Audio Podcasting

Unlimited Storage

Unmetered Bandwidth

Beautiful Podcast Themes

Map your own domain

Advanced, IAB Certified Stats

iPhone and Android App

Podcast Monetization

$ 29 39 /mo.

You save 25%! Billed $348 annually.

Get 30 days FREE trial.

Looking for a podcast network,
multiple podcasts, or a corporate podcast plan?

Looking for a podcast network, multiple podcasts, or a corporate podcast plan?

Learn More