Screwtape reprimands Wormwood for allowing the Patient to become a Christian still on and Wormwood’s side. The members of the Patient’s church will also help them. The Patient expects an ideal spi...
Screwtape reprimands Wormwood for allowing the Patient to become a Christian still on and Wormwood’s side. The members of the Patient’s church will also help them. The Patient expects an ideal spiritual Church, not oily grocers and parishioners who sing out of tune. Wormwood must not let the Patient realize that the images he has of spirituality are stereotypes. He should try to make the Patient feel disappointed. Disappointment, Screwtape says, usually marks major transitions in life. People feel disappointed when their idle dreams turn into active work. But if they get over this initial period of disappointment, Screwtape warns, people become much harder to tempt. If it turns out that the other members of the Patient’s church, in addition to being everyday and ordinary, are really hypocrites, then Wormwood’s task is easier. He should try to make the Patient .