Well hey there Dream. Think. DO. family! Welcome to episode 214. It's so awesome to have you along for the ride here, and happy Valentine's Day week, it is the International week of love, and because...
Well hey there Dream. Think. DO. family! Welcome to episode 214. It's so awesome to have you along for the ride here, and happy Valentine's Day week, it is the International week of love, and because of that I actually took the opportunity to invite my bride, Melissa.
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Melissa: Hello Dream. Think. Do. family.
Mitch Matthews: Absolutely. We had such great feedback from our episode right around Christmas time, where we were talking about prayer, I hope you guys enjoyed that. We heard back from so many of you. In fact, a number of you reach out to ask if we would dive into some different subjects, one of which being how do you dream together as a couple, how do you go after goals together as a couple, all of those things. And that's gonna be something we're gonna dive into in a future episode, so stand by for that.
Mitch Matthews: But what we realized was, before we start talking about going after dreams and goals together and all of that, we need to talk about laying that foundation of love. Since it's Valentine's Day week we thought what a perfect week to dive into that conversation. And specifically we're gonna dive into one of our favorite tools to use to help us love each other better, and that is a book that was written by Dr. Gary Chapman called The Five Love Languages. Now we read the original book, now there's like 50 different iterations of this concept, but we're gonna be talking about those love languages that Gary Chapman talks about in his book. We're gonna talk with you about what they are, but more so we're gonna focus on application, because a lot of you, you're readers, you're smart people, you're all over this stuff. So there's a very good change you're already well versed with The Five Love Languages. And if that's the case, awesome.
Mitch Matthews: We're gonna do a quick overview of what those five love languages are, and what they are individually, and kind of what they are globally. But more importantly we're gonna focus more on application. Now we do all of this with a caveat, in that, we first read this book how long ago do you think?
Melissa: I bet probably 10 or 12 years ago.
Mitch Matthews: Yeah 10 or 12 years ago, that seems like a long time ago. But I was grateful for it at the time, and I've been grateful for it ever since. We've actually had the chance to teach on these concepts many, many times. And every time I'm grateful for it because it's a great refresher course, because we all need to be reminded of these concepts. And so I'm grateful for this opportunity today, and again, we're doing this not from the standpoint of we are experts and we have this all figured out.
Melissa: Absolutely not.
Mitch Matthews: That's right. More so we do this from the standpoint of, we are scientists, and we are continually experimenting with these concepts. So today we're gonna be learning together, and we're gonna be talking about these together. Now just before we get started or dive into just a quick overview of the love languages, how would you explain them just broadly Mel, like not necessarily individually, but broadly? Like the love languages themselves.
Melissa: Well the love languages are a way of speaking, they're almost like, you know how in the South there's a Southern accent, in the northern United States you sound like a Norwegian, yeah, sure. And that's where I'm from so that's why I sound like that. You know, if you're from Boston you sound like you're from Boston. If you are from Southern California you sound like you're from Southern California. So there's some accents. And the love languages are kind of like that too, it's your way of speaking, and it's your way of interpreting life. It's also kind of a lens that you see things through.
Melissa: And so it's important to know that when you love someone, whether it's your spouse, your child,
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