On this weeks episode Rachel and Clare are joined by the delightful Wicher from Jaggle to talk about something new and exciting he has built - a way for anyone to make dark room prints without the need for a darkroom equipment, or even a dark room!
Find out more here:
On the subject of new and exciting products, Intrepid are back with a new kickstarter for two very exciting (at least to large format shooters) new releases - an independent shutter and a new lens!
Find out more here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/intrepidcamera/the-intrepid-lens-and-shutter-project
And, just to make sure no one loses sight of why we all actually take pictures, the end product is also important, a great example being the Ambiguous zine currently available and raising money for a good cause - https://richardhall.online/new-zine-now-available/
Ep. 350 Gimme Gimme Gimme
Ep. 349 Silvergrain and the Widelux
Ep. 348 Ambiguous
Ep. 347 Links possibly in the Show Notes
Ep. 345 I shot Einstein
Ep. 344 What's Important?
Ep. 343 A nice Friedman number
Ep. 341 Why make a new episode when we've got all those old ones?
E. 341 History Repeats Itself
Ep. 340 I'm Photowalking here! And here! And here...
Ep. 339 Vault Art
Ep. 338 Delayed Due to Dog Pictures
Ep. 337 Warning! This Negative is Reversing!
Ep. 336 Camera and Coffee Cabin
Ep. 335: Literally Unbelievable
Rebroadcast of Ep. 223 In tribute to Brian Griffin
Ep.334 Loading up a fresh New Year
Ep. 333 The Half Beast
Sunny 16 Extra: Phoenix - an ALL NEW Film
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