A Serial (Killer) Drama: Werewolf the Podcast


A Serial (Killer) Drama: Werewolf the Podcast
175 Episodes
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Category: Comedy Fiction
Last Update: 2024-09-24
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A weekly werewolf blood-soaked series.  We hear a werewolf's horror-filled true story. Starring Wil and Fen, the fun-loving Calvin and Hobbes-like duo slowly destroying culture with laughs. WARNING: Not for the faint of heart or the fragile of emotion. This werewolf is an evil psychotic murdering killer who is not a guilt-torn, suffering individual. No, he loves being a monster and has nothing to do with sparkly vampires. The content is a brain-crushing, soul-wrenching, body-squirming, emotionally wrecking depiction of what an amoral, primal, soul-less, unethical, unprincipled, unscrupulous, savage being does when it lives amongst humanity. I am warning you here. Anyone capable of enjoying this story is already teetering pretty close to the edge of the dark abyss.