Finding Me - Rebuild YOU and your life after domestic abuse

Finding Me - Rebuild YOU and your life after domestic abuse
10 Episodes
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Category: Society & Culture
Last Update: 2023-09-16
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Finding me is a bi-monthly podcast helping women transition from barely surviving to truly thriving after escaping domestic abuse. The cases of domestic abuse is rising at an exponential rate, much of the effort by the police and civil agencies and charities is focused on getting women and children out of immediate danger, whilst it is of course the right thing to do, it is not where the story ends. A woman who has experienced domestic abuse, will often suffer the ramifications of that abuse for years to come, if not for the rest of their life, with most destined for a life of poverty. It takes years to rebuild their lives and there is little support, advice and guidance available to help women on that journey. Alongside sharing my own experience, I'll be talking to a range of experts and professionals providing insight and advice that women need to supercharge their recovery and move their life to a more positive place faster. This podcast is for every women across the world, who is in an abusive relationship trying to escape and for those who are already on the slow, often painful path to rebuilding their life.