School to Homeschool
67 Episodes
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Category: Kids & Family
Last Update: 2024-09-30
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In July 2020, I did something I vowed as a once-public middle school teacher, that I would NEVER do. I withdrew my remaining four children of six and began homeschooling. My oldest two sons had graduated from public/charter schools and my remaining four had been in public school since Pre-K. I had two children about to finish middle school and head into high school. To say I was terrified was an understatement–even with my experience teaching hundreds of kids a year prior to getting married. This was different. What if I made them stupid? What if they became “weird” homeschooled kids? What if they couldn’t get into college? What if I messed up? What if I ruined them forever? I wasn’t a math teacher. I wasn’t a science teacher. I wasn’t an English teacher. I had been a theater teacher! I was an ELECTIVE teacher. Most kids came to my class because they WANTED to, not because they HAD to. My own kids would be DOOMED! Yet, I felt compelled…and the upcoming 2020-2021 school year was so uncertain and scary. Would they be in school or out of school? Would they be online or hybrid? Would they have to social distance? What kind of an experience would that be for them? No one knew what to expect…not administrators, not teachers, not parents…no one. They needed stability. Amidst the uncertainty, and at the very least, I could give them stability. Plus, it couldn’t be any worse than the remainder of the school year at the onset of Covid, could it? So I took the plunge. On Tuesday, July 21, 2020, with hands shaking, I handed in my Notice of Intent to Homeschool to my school district and thus began the journey. I was terrified. I didn’t know anyone who withdrew their children BEFORE high school to homeschool. The few homeschoolers that I knew had ALWAYS homeschooled or withdrawn them in elementary and then often put them IN school to complete high school. I felt afraid and alone. I don’t anymore. Over the past few years, along with homeschooling my kids, I have spent hundreds of hours studying the history of the school system in the United States coupled with a better understanding of how children learn and how they do not. I have studied dozens of educational philosophies–philosophies NEVER discussed in my education work to become a certified teacher. Yet, the philosophies are brilliant and effective. I have met with like-minded parents–all over the country–whose kids are thriving and happy being educated at home! Our family has gone through a masterful journey. My children are thriving more than they ever did while in public school despite all my deficiencies as a mother and as a teacher. By sharing our journey, experiences, and lessons learned, I hope to calm some of your fears, welcome you to this magical world, answer the hard questions and give you the confidence to start this journey with your children… I want you to come away with confidence knowing: -where to find resources and the legalities in your state to leave public school -how to deschool them and you -what to do about socialization and friendships -what the different forms of homeschooling look like to determine what is best for your family -what to do with your elementary and middle schoolers -what to do with your high schoolers -determine how to help them discover their passions -how to prepare them for college, trade school, or other paths -what curriculums to choose or not to choose -what to do about personal time for yourself -what to do if you don’t feel qualified or know every subject -what to do about technology -what to do about Math, Science, Reading, and Writing -and much more… I had those fears too! You don’t need to be afraid! You just need a guide. I want to share with you our journey so you can have the confidence to start yours. You can do this! It doesn’t have to be scary. It doesn’t have to be lonely. You won’t ruin your kids and you just might come to love them even more than you thought was possible. Join me as I take you through the journey from School to Homeschool.