Rashid Minhas: Arora PLAB 2 Communication Skills On-the-Go (for dr_rashidminhas@yahoo.com only) [free version; no premium access]


Rashid Minhas: Arora PLAB 2 Communication Skills On-the-Go (for dr_rashidminhas@yahoo.com only) [free version; no premium access]
1 Episodes
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Category: Education
Last Update: 2024-07-23
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* NOT AVAILABLE INDIVIDUALLY - order as part of PLAB 2 double bundle: https://aroramedicaleducation.co.uk/plab-2-audiobooks/ * If you're preparing for your PLAB 2 exam and wonder how your communication and consultation skills can improve, this 2 hour audio course is for you! Designed and created to listen and learn on the go, this audio programme exposes you to 25 PLAB 2 scenario types - with Dr. Aman completely breaking them down in terms of how to improve communication skills. How to build rapport, reflecting emotion, introducing relevance, linking psychosocial to the patient, working with 'ICE' naturally, common communication challenges.... the list goes on. Clear examples by Dr. Aman given throughout for easier understanding. 🗣 “I passed 3rd time and after listening to your audio course I finally realised what I did wrong in the first 2 attempts!" 🗣 “I love how you give examples of how to handle each situation!” 🗣 “I passed PLAB 2! Your audiobook really helped my preparation - thank you!” 🗣 "I was so surprised to realise that I was making so many mistakes without knowing" 🗣 “Clear and to-the-point, amazing!” 🎧 Have a listen to the free 2 minute sample! ✔️ Download to phone or tablet ✔️ Listen anytime, offline or online ✔️ No expiry, unlimited listens ✔️ Free updates as they release What is covered: 👉 CHAPTER 1: Key communication skills principles 👉 CHAPTER 2: First 5 scenarios 1) Angry patient 2) Patient complaint 3) Breaking bad news 4) Palliative care / end-of-life issues 5) Treatment refusal 👉 CHAPTER 3: Scenarios 6-10 6) Patient wants to leave hospital 7) Adult safeguarding 8) Counselling – diet advice 9) Bereavement 10) Angry relative 👉 CHAPTER 4: Scenarios 11-15 11) Missed diagnosis 12) Domestic violence 13) Sexual history taking 14) Consent / capacity 15) Worried / anxious patient 👉 CHAPTER 5: Scenarios 16-20 16) Non-accidental injury 17) Psychiatry risk assessment 18) Demanding patient 19) Depression 20) Counselling - exercise 👉 CHAPTER 6: Scenarios 21-25 21) Counselling for alcohol 22) Dealing with uncertainty 23) Blaze patient 24) Counselling - weight 25) Embarrassed patient * Dr. Aman is an ex GMC PLAB 2 examiner so for probity reasons no real PLAB 2 cases/material discussed - all situations/examples are fictitious. * Not for medical advice - to be used solely as a revision aid for medical exams. * NOT AVAILABLE INDIVIDUALLY - order as part of PLAB 2 double bundle: https://aroramedicaleducation.co.uk/plab-2-audiobooks/ * Bonus content ------------------- Get immediate access to this audio course, and listen over and over, on the go.To get full access, visit https://awesound.com/p/plab2comm Access exclusively for Rashid Minhas (dr_rashidminhas@yahoo.com). If this is not you, unsubscribe now and delete from your library, to avoid unnecessary charges or legal action.