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The Edified Ear

A series of audio books which have been produced with the desire to honour the Lord Jesus Christ, edify the saints, and set forth more clearly the Gospel. Read by real people from across the globe.

Spurgeon’s Devotional Bible

Short daily Bible readings, with helpful commentary by Charles Spurgeon. Read by Dr. David Mackereth.

John Wesley’s Journal

Exerpts from an extraordinary journal, from a remarkable man. Read with the desire to see Christians encouraged to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Read by Dr. David Mackereth.

The Evangelical Parts Bin

” Let us consider one another to provoke unto love and good works.” Hebrews 10.24 Once, when I had a shed, set apart to be my man-cave, I had a parts bin. These bins were a collection of small boxes, in which I kept all kinds of different and useful things, that may one day be of value in fixing stuff. The objective of this Evangelical Parts Bin is to give excerpts from the audiobooks read in the other podcasts in the Bible Believers series. I will also add some that are stand alone. The excerpts will be potent and listenable ecouragements to love, serve, and follow the Lord Jesus Christ. David.

The John Knox Podcast, by John Knox.

Writings by John Knox, and about John Knox, read by Dr. David Mackereth.

The Bible Believers Podcast

For believers in Jesus Christ who want to be strengthened by the Word of God, to grow in faith and to be on fire for Jesus. Dr. David Mackereth hosts a live Bible Study Monday & Friday at 9 PM GMT and Wednesdays at 9 AM GMT on YouTube.

How do I become a Christian?

Advice for those asking deep questions about the Chrisitan faith. Teaching is from the BIble.