DBC Pri-Med

Frankly Speaking About Family Medicine

A weekly Podcast series covering newsworthy topics in primary care medicine. Thoughts? Suggestions? Email us at FranklySpeaking@pri-med.com

Pri-Med Podcasts

A primary care podcast featuring expert faculty discussing the most recent developments in the medical field. Podcast formats include, but are not limited to: expert clinical discussions, frequently asked questions, and Frankly Speaking About Family Medicine with Dr. Frank Domino. Many Pri-Med Podcasts are available for CME Credit! For CME podcasts, find the link to claim credit in those episodes’ descriptions or find the episode on our Pri-Med Podcast landing page, www.pri-med.com/podcast

Pri-Med News & Industry Features

Learn about pertinent news stories—in the format of short podcast episodes—that get to the heart of today’s most important issues in primary care with the Pri-Med News & Industry Features channel. Each news episode includes three distinct topics – jump to a topic of interest using helpful timestamps in each episode description. This channel also features podcasts covering practice management tips and key insights for treatments in various therapeutic areas.

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