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thank you for so many wonderful conversations and insights Breht✌️

4 months ago reply 0

Why are you guys not talking about the elephant in the room? You are literally describing a cult like fanaticism of Stalin and saying is okay because communisim or some bullshit. A little more nuance would be appreciated, ffs.

1 years ago reply 0

interesting analysis on the ukraine-russia situation, don’t think this guy knows what he’s talking about with china though lmao

2 years ago reply 0

How mature. Cry more, bigot.

2 years ago reply 0

lack of knowledge. A little knowledge is dangerous and on this issue you're definitely in possession of little knowledge.

3 years ago reply 0

Ruairí a fascist? Really? On the one hand Ruairí was solid on Éire Nua which empowers every minority. Contrast that with Adams's and J118's resolute commitment to shoehorn the 6 Counties into a 32 County state. On the one hand the Provos implement Tory policy in the 6 Counties and provide a flimsy opposition to Fianna Fail and Fine Gael in Leinster House, on the other Sinn Féin Poblachtach are firmly committed to Saol Nua. Rest of the episode was moderate but on Ruairí and RSF you showed up your

3 years ago reply 0

Not sure how you can credibly claim Ruairí Ó Brádaigh was never right. EVERYTHING he said at the Árd Fheis in 1986 has been proven 110% correct and far more besides. A united Ireland coming out of Stormont? Socialism coming out of Leinster House? Ruairí was spot on with the impossibility of both those scenarios. Loyalism remaining a rabid force? Right again. Or are you glossing over what happened to Noah Donahoe and the threats of a replay of Carson's Orange Terror over the protocol.

3 years ago reply 0

Haha give it a rest dickhead! You're a Glasgow Rangers supporter. It's literally impossible to support Rangers and not be a knuckledragging racist bigot. Even more so when it's apparent you also support Lazio. Two clubs with pretty much 100% fash support! How are you getting on with being anti-antifa down at Ibrox these days? Not that Celtic fans are much better. Only people who want to bathe in bigotry follow pub league Scottish football. It's wank. Have a day off clown.

@scott : 1 sided bullshit
3 years ago reply 0

How do you know? Is it contrary to the bullshit they taught you in the lodge??

@scott : 1 sided bullshit
3 years ago reply 0

I haven’t listened to all your episodes yet but can you maybe do one about Youth on how they are taught about communism?

3 years ago reply 0

Fanon died in 1961 and Rodney would have been 19 then. Rodney and Fanon never met.

4 years ago reply 0