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I wish they would shorten the time machine sound for 15 seconds to just the ending 5 seconds of it. Regular listeners don’t need to hear this again and again. The same applies to the jingle tunes at the beginning and other inserts. The questions could also please be Shorter, spare us.

7 months ago reply 0


10 months ago reply 0

Frankly, I’m absolutely sick of hearing about blacks. My god. Slavery existed in almost every society throughout history. It may have taken on different names but it was still slavery. Whites were enslaved for thousands of years, yet we have to hear about the blacks who were sold to Jews by other blacks. Whatever you do, don’t every investigate the Jewish role in American slavery.

3 years ago reply 0

Juneteenth is a fake holiday. Just like kwanza. This podcast has devolved into nothing but leftist garbage. You people are insane.

3 years ago reply 0

This is not comment this is georgewills

3 years ago reply 0

What is it with these Jewish historians? Jews were not welcome in America during our founding years and therefore should not be welcome to criticize America for anything. Go look at how Israel treats Palestinians. That is a truly oppressed people. Stop telling me how oppressive America is.

3 years ago reply 2

Here we have a Jewish woman who is going to explain to you the business of the slave trade. I’m sure that she will inform the listener about the fortunes thousands of Jews that built said fortunes off the slave trade. You don’t have to take my word for it. The facts are out there. Jews controlled the slave trade. Jews controlled the majority of the cotton trade in the south. I think Jews should have their holocaust reparations seized and the money given to blacks.

3 years ago reply 0

Our founders would never even consider the fact that blacks are equal to whites. They knew. A diverse nation is a dead nation. Name one nation throughout history that didn’t die when they became “diverse”. It’s right in Plato’s “The Republic”. This podcast is shit.

4 years ago reply 0

Fuck you and your anti white propaganda. Fuck off. This country was built by white men, for white peoples. “Ourselves and our posterity”. Let’s be real. Our great founders did not even consider blacks to be people. They didn’t want any foreign immigration. They did not want women to vote. They did not want people who didn’t own property to be able to vote. If we would have stuck with those rules, we would be the best country in history.

4 years ago reply 0

This guy is a douchebag. I was hoping to hear about winter in early America. I got your typical “Noble Savage” myth. “These people were so great. They made snowshoes.” Those damn “evil” colonizers only made boats guns etc. those “noble savages” never even had a written language. Pure propaganda from a leftist.

4 years ago reply 1

Just stumbled on to this wonderful podcast. I'm fascinated with this period in our history. Very well done!

5 years ago reply 0

This podcast is awesome. There is much to be said about a well produced podcast.

6 years ago reply 1

Will be adding this book of Betsy Ross to my amazon audiobook wish list

7 years ago reply 0