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Since Covid, nobody has trust in ’experts’ or the authorities. Crazy net zero policies have strengthened that feeling. It’s no surprise people are sceptical about the conviction of Lucy Letby.

8 days ago reply 0

The moment you realize elections sound exactly the same in kindergarten, Sweden, Norway and.... There is no grown ups telling the vision of the country! It’s there any leaders?

21 days ago reply 0

How many on the left (JKR aside) have been cancelled compared to the right. How many right wing councils have cancelled venues for a left wing comedian?

2 months ago reply 1

Being on the street IS a lifestyle choice. Hotel rooms are offered but declined.

8 months ago reply 0

Shocking commentary regarding Tommy Robinson. Why didn’t you say that he did not side with the accuser? Why didn’t you refer to his positive relationship with the victim Mo Rammy? Why didn’t you mention Robinson’s documentary exposed the accuser, supported the alleged offenders who actually victims?

1 years ago reply 1

Apologies cannot edit typos ... But I am sure you get my point?

2 years ago reply 0

Limited scope of understanding, no consideration about world politics and war tactics. Swallowing western and Ukraine propaganda without question. Simple question what benefit is to an invading size however evil you have been propagatised in your minds to deliberately target a maternity hospital? And yet leave power on, water on, etc. Lacking of questioning, lack of being skeptical from what both sides are saying and people’s motivations .... Disappointing

2 years ago reply 0

2 years ago reply 0

Instead of a Trump Tantrum program,, why not do thorough research & speak truth,,, your lack of research & ignorance is embarrassing

3 years ago reply 1

Does Spiked still think Biden legitimate ? If so,, Channel basically is part of Controlled opposition

3 years ago reply 1

I found your discussion on India interesting but missing two points at least. Firstly this story is undoubtedly being used by the c19 pundits to spread fear. India has a population 20 times bigger than UK. So context might help to have relational figures. 27,000 die every day. Healthcare provisions like oxygen are private concerns and some people are exploiting this in a time of need.( it’s also happening in Peru for example). It’s not a simple story and that should be made clear.

3 years ago reply 0

Great content but too many adverts.

3 years ago reply 6

Advert break way too long

3 years ago reply 2

Sorry guys but with your intro you have lost my respect for your journalistic impartiality. Did you actually watch any of the video footage of the crowd pushing their way into the Capitol? Did you contrast it with the activities of BLM/Antifa? It was more like a football crowd trying to get through a too-small turnstile than the violent rampage you painted it as. And as for the "damage" to the interior of the building - wow, look at the massive destruction of Pelosi's office: they pulled...

3 years ago reply 0

3 years ago reply 0

There was an interview yesterday of General Flynn and General McIneny by WVW Radio that is very much worth listening to. If these men have integrity, which I believe they do, the evidences they present cannot be easily dismissed.

3 years ago reply 0

Havent you heard of the great Reset? Klaus Schwuab World Economic Forum. New World Order. Build back Better? Deliberate destruction of the ec9nomy using Covid as an ezcuse to usher in new AI economy. Please catch up.and research its public knowledge. We need to stand against it now. They are not out of touch it is a plan, THE GREAT RESET. Operation Lockstep..... Rockerfella 2010 Event 201 Id 2020

3 years ago reply 0

That were not over crowded is a joke we already suffered from mass immigration under labour in the 90s followed on by tbe Tories. There have been incredible strain put on the national services and its almost impossible to get a dentists appointment etc not to mention lack of social housing or that forign nationals now exceed the number of white Brits in London! Many migrants from Africa are low skilled and thus can only do low skilled jobs.

3 years ago reply 1

Bloody hell Spiked have taken the knee on Islam. We should call out Islamophobia? Well it's a made up word used deliberately to disallow any critique of Islam. Nobody should give the word any credence. Also, most muslims condemn terrorists or words to that effect. Nonsense. Where's the evidence of this? Last survey I saw the majority sympathised with them. A podcast full of inaccuracies, made up assumptions & politically correct excrement. Spiked of all people.

4 years ago reply 1

Discussion re the 'Far Right' & Islamic terrorists in public discourse is often handicapped by assuming parity & symettry between the two, when in actually appears to many that the 'Far Right' is a chimera set up to draw attention away from the real elephant in the room.

4 years ago reply 2

Radcliffe desperately wants to be accepted by the Hollywood doesn't he?

4 years ago reply 1

Completely agree. They talk about being alarmist and how covid hasn't killed that many people etc... ridiculous.

4 years ago reply 0

Poor, misguided and unfortunate was the only way I can describe that pod cast

4 years ago reply 0