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Love your podcast & agree with you on many levels.

2 years ago reply 0

Would you please share information on your opening song?

2 years ago reply 0

Thank you for your efforts in making a great channel , much appreciated

2 years ago reply 0

love your channel, you verbalize everything I have realized!

2 years ago reply 0

May GOD bless you and your family with health love joy peace always in Jesus name amen have a blessed day and week healthy peaceful Happy New Year to you and your family!

3 years ago reply 0

Covid 1984 is created to be doing exactly what we're seeing bringing society to its collective knees and ultimately this is the precursor of the coming global world ruler antiChrist system military religion all under the Globalists check out the insane Klaus Schwab of the world economic forum pushing the great reset of the capitalist world as we know it! It's about the coming Rapture and what's going to happen to those left behind afterwards during the great tribulation 7 years of hell on earth!

3 years ago reply 0

Dear Friends, Just a few simple things to consider for your life today and eternity! If you can see what's going on all over the world today, and can see that we're living in the crazy, twilight zone, science fiction, movie like atmosphere, in our current times? Just imagine what will people think when the Rapture takes place, and millions of people just disappear from the earth? What will the people left behind to face the 7 years tribulation period do then? Here's help how to make sure that you are not left behind and Heaven will be your home! Only one life! 'twill soon be past! Only what's done for Christ will last! Don't be left behind, don't be lost for eternity! Don't gamble on your soul! The Book of Daniel: Proof the Bible is the Word of God En Español

3 years ago reply 0

Patrick Wood met Anthony Sutton and they both wrote the Trilaterals over Washington or see the Patrick Wood podbean podcast free technocracy news and trends or he's on fadebook and other stuff as well.

4 years ago reply 0

Not to mention the other good old boys Globalists George Bush skull and bones that was the Ambassador to China and he also sold the USA out to the United Nations agenda 21 2015 2030 in the world earth summit in Rio de Janeiro at the Rio accords he sold out USA sovereignty by illegally signing the global sustainable development agenda 21 document! He's a huge traitor to USA and the Rockefeller boys Zbigniew Brzezinski was huge player in the chinocracy or push fr China as world leader he's written about it and his little girl is the current wife of Joe Scarborough on morning Joe Mika Brzezinski she's a card carrying member of the CFR as well like daddy like daughter!

4 years ago reply 0

Check out the Awesome Patrick Wood technocracy news and trends on podbean podcast and the he's been writing for years on the Rockefeller Trilateral Commission and is an expert his site has everything from A to Z on the crazy stuff going on in the world today from agenda 21 2015 2030 United Nations to surveillance etc

4 years ago reply 0