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The democratic machinery that has been undemocratic in coddling Biden and effectively hiding his decline behind teleprompters and scripted events/questions, have done a great disservice to America. The anger is swelling and somebody better stand up, face reality, and boldly call for bold action.

11 days ago reply 0

A convincing argument for believing that we the people do not actually exist, rather we are subjects of an elite club, proving our votes are pointless. I’ve always participated thinking I could make a difference. Thanks for the reminder that it doesn’t

2 months ago reply 0

Not sure what’s happening but it seems mostly replays as if trump and isreal are the only things you think matter. I miss the variety you used to bring.

2 months ago reply 0

President Trump!!! He didn’t do anything wrong. You are a piece of s**t!

2 months ago reply 0

Who is ”they”? Are you still operating under the racist mindset of all x skinned people are such n’ such? This discourse vilifies many of the people who fight for and support real DEI and alienates those who are willing but still hearing that ”they” are automatically the bad guys just because of their skin. Disappointing to hear after so many years seeking unity.

3 months ago reply 0

”Good person”? That ignorant misogynoir dabbling hotep not a good person. Did the latest dumb saying not release until after this recording? Sure he’ll be out there this year helping repiglicans suppress voters by telling them to simply not to bc it’s not exciting enough.

4 months ago reply 0

Gun control will do nothing but embolden criminals to commit more crimes

5 months ago reply 1

Because you know who will vote for an uninspiring, boring, old a?$ white man anyways, stand in line 15hours nearly dead on oxygen tanks? THAT SIDE, them confed flag swinging rethugs! That’s why they winning the long game taking all your god d@m rights away with it! Your great granny didn’t have some super hip swag basketball playing candidate, but she pulled that d@m lever anyways for the old white man who was least likely to kill your sorry dem a$$es today! VOTE bc life DOES DEPEND on it!

6 months ago reply 0

He’s not a King. Things have to pass through Senate & House to stay permanent where Synema, Manchin & repigs block it. They’ve blocked some of Bidens other efforts but he’s f-ing trying! You all didn’t do your jobs as voters in off cycle years to give Dems enough majority to bypass Manchin & Synema to begin with! So cha wanna be god can stfu & start by not running his mouth to discourage participation when it’s not cute & inspiring. Obama is NOT the norm you gotta vote even when they boring!

6 months ago reply 0

Why they keep asking him to host to get the hotep crowd to watch? SCoTuS is conservative majority ok & who was one of the people who told his audience to not vote for Hillary? He got 30% of the promises done Bush got what 10% of his Obama only had ACA, marriage & Osama dead as huge wins but the lower court seats majority were unfilled amongst other things. He didn’t pardon weed convictions.

6 months ago reply 0

Had a midwife entire pregnancy. Due date changed for no reason, pushed to unnecessary induction bc of that resulting in uncomfortable long miserable delivery not able to eat trapped inside the hospital 16+hours. ended in c-section. Stay 3 days. Never again IUD going strong to this day

7 months ago reply 0

I am always floored by the fact that people objected to Colin Kaepernick kneeling during the National Anthem without knowing that the gesture was suggested by a retired Army Ranger.

8 months ago reply 0

Reminder older religious conservative leaning black folk wanted the crime bill passed too. Bernie voted FOR it. Almost all republicans did too. Trump likely supported it as he called for the execution of a 14 year old who wasn’t even proven guilty beyond ALL reasonable doubts!!!

8 months ago reply 0