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11 months ago reply 0

The Poatwr for this episode is OBVIOUSLY ignorant of what a Justice is tasked with.....and their ability to not allow external stimuli create problems with their impartiality. Justices can NOT be expected to terminate all long-term relationships before being confirmed...Additionally, show me ONE ethical rule which Justice Thomas has violated....I will wait! If you are SObworried about illegal/unethical behavior, you need only look at the head(sl) of other branchea....Stevie Wonder could see ut!

1 years ago reply 0

Loved the songs submitted from those talented musicians!!

3 years ago reply 0

Again, sorry my comment comes so late after the episode airing. But since this is a rehash anyway, I guess I will rehash my comment on the initial episode. First of all, I am not a member of the NRA, nor do I own a firearm at this time. Let me propose a thought experiment which may help to clarify the second amendment as well as explain the punctuation. Place the word Since at the beginning and replace the word "being" with the word "is." The amendment would then read; Since a well-regulated militia is necessary for etc etc etc. Arcane methods of speech make the use of punctuation necessary. Recently, I watched a show on PBS that was called The Dictators Playbook. The practical upshot is that most dictatorships while democratically elected all have certain things in common. They all go after and try to control the media, they all try to gain control of the legal system, and they all seek to disarm the general population. We live in an extraordinarily violent society. In my mind there is no question of this. I do however believe that the reason for this is deeper than simply easy access to firearms.

4 years ago reply 2

Geez, I just love listening to this podcast, I'm so sorry my comments come so late after airing. In my opinion, justice in our society is definitely dispensed with a racial bias. That said, the thing that I find missing from this entire episode is the question of what a reasonable SUSPECT should do when encountering law enforcement. Even though I would very likely be considered a "white man," I distinctly remember getting "the talk" when I was a very young boy. I remember being told to never EVER point a gun whether it be a toy or not, at anyone EVER. And if you were ever told by a police officer to do something, you immediately stopped whatever you were doing, and did as you were told. In my infrequent contact with law enforcement officers, I'm quite certain that this advice was life-saving for me.

4 years ago reply 1

I realize I am a couple of years late in posting comments regarding this podcast. That said, I felt compelled to comment. I felt the pro-free speech debaters stance on anonymity was completely wrong. I feel those who say things while remaining anonymous are nothing but gutless and lack the courage of their convictions. I believe all people are entitled to feel the way they feel about things. That said, should they wish to expound that philosophy, they should have the courage to own up to those beliefs publicly. On the other side, I felt like the anti-free speech debater when he said he was tired of being the PBS after school special educator to white racists, that homosexuals were tired of being the PBS after school educators to white racists, that women were tired of being the PBS after school educators to white racists, who the hell does he think should be? If a person feels justified in their beliefs, then they need to own them, and make the case for them, EVERY SINGLE TIME! The first amendment grants freedom of speech. I'm really not clear on how that allows people, corporations, or governments for that matter to say things without having to take ownership of them. If the first amendment grants freedom of speech without fear of persecution, then why would anyone feel the need to say anything anonymously, and if you did feel the need to be anonymous, I would think that in and of itself would give you pause.

4 years ago reply 1

Apologies! I was actually referring to the second amendment. I said the first amendment by mistake.

4 years ago reply 1

First, I truly enjoy listening to this program as well as radiolab. I find the topics and commentary most compelling. Second, I do not belong to the NRA, I don't even own a firearm at this point, however, I do have thoughts on the first amendment. The first part that reads a well-regulated militia being necessary for the security of a free state, is in my opinion, not a clause but the justification used for not infringing the right of the people, meaning the sum total makeup of our society at large, to keep and bear arms. It is strictly my opinion that this was the justification used for granting this right to people in general. I also recognize that this makes us seem like a somewhat bloodthirsty society, however, I believe this is endemic to our species, not necessarily American society. I believe all human beings are somewhat bloodthirsty. The second amendment grants somewhat easier access to the means of indulging in our bloodthirstiness, but I also believe that blaming the violence prevalent in our culture on guns is only looking at the problem superficially. I believe the real problem is actually much much deeper.

4 years ago reply 1

so interesting!

4 years ago reply 0

You missed the entire debate! The focus on DC's rep was cool but there are alot of concerns about giving DC a vote. Having an entire populous employed by the government and voting to grow themselves, issues between state and federal governments, there are more reasons than, "it was a error"

5 years ago reply 0

Bring back the old style episode please. Keep this going.

5 years ago reply 0

Solid idea. I could have done without the music episodes.

@gsuleta : Things I don't care about - songs about the ammendment. You plugged the album on Spotify and it should have been left at that
5 years ago reply 0

This was such an interesting podcast...then the whole “music thing” happened and killed the momentum. Sad.

5 years ago reply 0

Seriously disappointed with this season. I stopped listening because I Didn't care for the music or how this was put together. Dont do this next season. You ruined this season plenty

5 years ago reply 1

Seriously garbage music. Only the actual information is interesting.

5 years ago reply 0

Waiting for this god damn album to get over... completely ruined this podcast IMO

5 years ago reply 0

Awesome podcast! Radiolab does it again!a

5 years ago reply 0

Wow! A

5 years ago reply 0

minute 30-31 is so relatable

5 years ago reply 0