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If Prince Harry had but he didn’t. Who cares what he does anyway.🤷‍♀️

1 months ago reply 0

Harry is coming nowhere. He is lying as usual

4 months ago reply 0

The problem here is the palace "household"....this should be a celebration of a new life and the narrative regarding motives behind baby names is full fledged silly season

3 years ago reply 0

I would like to see a segment on the diversity in royal reporters. We seem to only get the white male and female perspective, with Mr. Scobie [the most balanced royal reporter btw] as the only 'fresh face'. This particular interviewer, seems to be a pool reporter. I ask this because the vitriolic reporting on the Duke and Duchess appears to come from one perspective. Please note: I am not suggesting that Mr. Ship is not a balanced reporter, I quite like listening to him; however, I am asking about the royal press pool beyond Mr. Ship.

4 years ago reply 0

Why no discussion of the Q&A from Sara Latham that answered the questions and accusations from the press?

5 years ago reply 0

Also I hope Harry and Meghan deny any title for their child, whether boy or girl. The House of Commons (I believe it is called) deny girls the ability to inherit titles from their father's, which gives the ability to run for a seat in that body. In 2019 this is still a thing and they recently denied a bill that was put forth to change that. How backwards is that. These are the exact people who have issue with Meghan, who run the palaces, etc.... I didn't realize how sexist the laws were.

5 years ago reply 0

I love Meghan's reaction when PA Alan asked if he could see more of baby Archie's face, she looks down at Archie and swoons 😊😊😊

5 years ago reply 0

Palace Politics, those with power or influence/platform or money or all of the above, do not want to see Meghan in the space she is in and will use their vices or voices to tear her down. As long as her and Harry stay true to themselves and work hard they (H&M) will win.

5 years ago reply 0

I really don't believe the Harry and Meghan will give their children royal titles, I think Chris is correct, they will be more like his aunt and cousin. Baby already very popular.

5 years ago reply 0

I think Meghan and Harry have eclipsed the Cambridge on the global scale. Not saying this to be mean, but in the US, I never hear about the Cambridge's unless it is related to the Sussex. Even the Australia trip was for the Cambridge's was more about George, the baby. Meghan is new so people tend to take more interest, but even when Kate and William was dating, they didn't get nearly as much coverage in the US.

5 years ago reply 1

This notion that the print media has been nice or reported fairly is a joke. I can pull up at least 20 articles that were untrue, malicious, and or mean. Meghan broke protocol, made Kate cry, rude to staff, wire a one arm dress and called inappropriate, but Kate looked like an angel., I could go on. I'm not saying all RR's are unfair or mean to Meghan, but a lot are. I've seen how they skirt the truth in interviews, ex. When the commentator says Meghan is breaking protocol, why wouldn't they be honest and say not actually she isn't, the Queen has her children at home, or the Queen wore off the shoulder gowns, etc...

5 years ago reply 0

These are the same photographers who yell at people to move out of the way and groan loudly when they what more shots?

5 years ago reply 0

While I think most people in the UK that like, or love, or do not care about Meghan, but there are some that just do not like or even hate her. They worry about how her legs are crossed, and wanting access to her and her baby asap. Like really, who do they think they are. How would they feel if everyone that have ownership in the company they work for asked that of them... when you go into labor let us know, then let us know when baby is born, and we will be outside of the hospital to takes photos to put on the front page of every news paper and TV program. How would they feel. They need to be focused on Brexit and other pressing things in the world. When Meghan went to Morocco and spoke to the girls in French and made them comfortable because she was able to communicate in a language they spoke... giving a cookbook that came up with and had a major positive impact on a community in London (Grenfell Tower fire), brought in revenue from outside of UK , to the most famous chef in the country, and btw most of the women that contributed to that cookbook came from Northern Africa (which includes Morocco). These are the important things, their job. Taxpayers don't have a right to their child. Period

5 years ago reply 0

While I normally enjoy your coverage, this episode sounded like a whine fest of complaints about how UK media is potrayed, not being invited to the baby birth, etc. For goodness sakes! It was painful 😞.

5 years ago reply 2