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The Village idiot still believes a politician is for him and Country..God help us all. Be on the look out..

1 days ago reply 0

W.W.E to World Dumbass Organization my bad G.E.O.Pride.. Yardbirds LMFAO 💋🃏🐓🐂

7 days ago reply 0

Hey there’s some Dude crawling around cops.. Duhhh. Hey they said they don’t care about landing ..Duhhh. Flying away on two Great Wings of an ......Duhhhh.Gang warfare...Hey Bill call me...Washout... LMFAO 💋💋🃏🐓🐂

7 days ago reply 1

Hate .....The Biggest losing war...??? The War on _____!!Mexico had how many shot...What ashow....Hey look smart bombs threw windows set up... LMFAO 💋 💋 🃏 🐓 🐂. Everything I said came true...Keep up the Good work..No Spin

7 days ago reply 1

I have always enjoyed Bill O’Reilly I’m so glad that he will I’ve been listening to him any 11 to 12:00 at night frequently and I am so glad I’m going to get him at a good time of the day so that I will be able to really enjoy his show thank you so much for letting me know about it then it’s going to be on now just let me know how to find it where to find it and do I go to YouTube or it could be right get it through my just regular showing?

12 days ago reply 0

I want Bill O’Reilly daily and with sound and him wherever he can be added thank you

13 days ago reply 0

Pomona and Bill O’Reilly is a daily Show and I want to be able to get the sound

13 days ago reply 0

Hey Mr. O’Riley Happy 4th !! To all Politician’s Happy You Lied Forth.. Your all about yourselves..

17 days ago reply 0

Wow hackers .. So what I was saying You Guys need a Meteorologist I do that to ..Very Well

20 days ago reply 0

Hey glade to see the Hurricane Season is following my lead... Hey you Guys at Bill O’Reilly Thursday

20 days ago reply 0

Aren’t we a Republic for which it Stands..Ya know by reps that represents us...Get it U.S. LoLmaof

20 days ago reply 1

The Media...Lies .. Biden Regime lies twists. The Devil lies cheats Destroys.. Hmmm Sounds a lot like Demoncrats..

20 days ago reply 1

Biden Newsum Obama Babylon LMFAO one fish shoes two fish shoes... Get a Dope.. LMFAO 💋🃏🐓🐂. The New World Order

22 days ago reply 0

The Show... Politics and Power...Lies & Deception ..

24 days ago reply 0

I think it’s important to research Rachel Morins killer/rapist who was just apprehended. He snuck in though the southern border after murdering a woman in El Salvador. He’s committed at least two crimes since he’s been here. One was a rape of a 14-year-old girl in the Los Angeles area and the other was Rachel, beautiful mother of five in a park in Maryland.

1 months ago reply 0

Made Soft from the woke left lobbyists lawyers and Babylon the Great ..Honest America nice guys finish last.. left and right biblically defined..

1 months ago reply 0