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The term ”progressive” is meaningless.

26 days ago reply 0

The SNP are not a Nationalist party and would not be considered a Nationalist party anywhere else on Earth. Other than wanting Scottish Independence anyways. The Scottish electorate will not elect Conservatives because the Conservative Party is a Nationalist party. We, Scottish folk, prefer inclusion, open borders, and really dislike racists. The SNP are led by a cadre of Centrist Liberals, their membership is the Scottish Working Class.

2 months ago reply 0

These shills for Saudi, like Glazer, Lowe &c are disgusting.

3 months ago reply 0

Israel is just begging to get their country slaughtered. Good riddance to bad trash. Nobody will miss Israel when its gone.

3 months ago reply 0

The U.S. has every bit of authority to ignore Israeli blockades to deliver AS MUCH AID AS THEY POSSIBLY CAN. Israel is NOT the world’s authority on war crimes just because it is ”the jewish state.” America can & should halt ALL funding to Israel to demonstrate just how quickly Israel’s problems would build without the aid they receive from America. This problem COULD be solve today. We just don’t have actors in the key positions that are willing to ”take the leap of faith” in humanity needed.

4 months ago reply 0

I would like to be a guest on your show. I served 25 years in the Navy and recently rewrote the U.S. Constitution in today’s language. I also developed a plan to put true control of the government back into the hands of the people. You can contact me at

5 months ago reply 0

Criminal minds defend the IDF

5 months ago reply 0

No talk about Israeli snipers targeting civilians as they try to receive treatment at hospitals? I can’t wait to be the first kid on my block to confirm a kill against the IDF. Israel deserves to burn for their actions.

5 months ago reply 0

It’s not a terrorist attack.

9 months ago reply 0

⛳Hello..Do you want to promote and marketing your ⏬ 1. Apple podcast ! 2. Spotify show ! 3. youtube channe ! 🔃Please contact me✉

9 months ago reply 0

This recording is screwy, first 15 mins or so are last week’s e episode

1 years ago reply 0

Interesting podcast but you never addressed actually boycotting this tournament. It makes it seem like football is more important to you than lives. Surely no spectators should go - giving Qatar their money - nor watch on TV if they actually care about the huge issues?

1 years ago reply 0

It IS simple: definitely don’t go, giving them a ton of money, don’t watch on TV. Otherwise you’re just saying your pleasure is worth other people suffering and dying.

1 years ago reply 0

love y’all. thanks for your perspective. helps a LOT

1 years ago reply 0

Hey guys, Don’t forget us here in Australia..... we recently had a National Election on 21st May where we very noticeably swung away from the useless Right Wing Morrison govt to the Labor Party/Left !! Also more votes towards the Greens due to a decade long nationwide frustration with an ineffectual Right Wing who basically denied the existence of Climate Change. The other reason for the swing was the Right ignored 50% of the population; WOMEN. 👏😃🇦🇺

2 years ago reply 0

Should clarify that there is not a nationalist MAJORITY in Northern Ireland assembly, but Sinn Fein is now the largest party, and it’s the first time a nationalist party has held that position.

2 years ago reply 0

This guy needs to be in prison for what he and Epstein did.

2 years ago reply 0

What a fact free title. Orban has won several elections. Hungary is in the EU. Calling him a dictator is laughable and discrediting.

2 years ago reply 0

I live in London ; learned more about what‘s happening in this town with your interview with MP Lamy. cool beans!

2 years ago reply 0

I live in London and I learn more about what‘s happening in Europe than the 6:00 Pm news on the BBC. God Bless Pod Save the World.

2 years ago reply 0

HTF did I get here? It’s like listening to both BBC and FOX at the same time.

3 years ago reply 1

Such good, deep, smart, compassionate coverage.

3 years ago reply 0

It is January 1st, as I listen. I have my copy of, Promised Land, bit, to hear the interview was a great intro. Thank you gentlemen!

3 years ago reply 0

This whole thing about "sending a message of American values w.r.t. policing" is, uh, maybe not the best timed thing. Given what's happening in Minneapolis right now it rings kind of hollow. Like, yes, the Chinese police force is objectively orders of magnitude worse than the US police force. But when the news is filled with pictures of police tear gassing peaceful protesters over the well filmed callous murder of a black man by a police officer .... Yeah. Not the best timing.

4 years ago reply 0

Novel coronavirus is a provisional term used for a new pathogen of a previous known family of virus until a permanent name is decided upon. New would indicate a previously unknown family of virus.

4 years ago reply 0

Re: the Jan. 29 podcast's discussion of "birth tourism," Tommy gets it wrong, but Ben comes to the rescue by adding nuance. Even before Trump/Miller's efforts to end all immigration, esp from brown skinned countries, "anchor babies" has long been a problem, one hard to solve without being unfair to legit Visa applicants. However there is a real problem of people seeking to give birth in the US despite having no other ties to or interest in the US. The goal of some is to get a US citizen in the the parents can later petition for residency visas for other relatives. In some cases, it's a long-term strategy to get a foothold in the USA for narcotraffickers , human traffickers, etc. I've seen this first-hand in the past. It unfaitly puts legit would-be immigrants and refugees in a bad light.

4 years ago reply 0

It’s been reported many times in the press and at public venues lately that the United States has the worst partisan political divide since the Mcarthy years. Our country may have actually never experienced such a division in party politics. I beseech the Republican senate to do the right thing!! Vote the sociopath Trump out by impeachment. Remove him from office and YOUR party will go down in history as the party that upheld democracy and United our citizens. Do the right thing and represent your country not your traitorous president.

4 years ago reply 0

Forgetting religion altogether, the fact that the Chinese government have rounded up an entire group of people and forced them to live in camps and undergo brain washing against their will is CRIMINAL. The fact that foreign leaders remain silent especially those who are Muslim is tragic for the Uyghar Chinese.

4 years ago reply 0

Susan Rice is incredible. Superb interview.

4 years ago reply 0

Hey! Love the pod and the great insight provided. I'm an American living in Romania and would love to hear your thoughts on Rudy's business here. The upcoming election. And Russia's pressures on the economy and use of propaganda as they continue to manipulate as owners of a huge tv station for an example

4 years ago reply 0

DHS could begin with the OANN to begin with in terms of messaging. It seems to me this issue of 'what is fact' is going to become important future debate now that this line is crossed daily from the top.

5 years ago reply 0

Maybe someone can ask POS if he agrees that citizens should be extradited to China from Hong Kong.

5 years ago reply 0

9/10 rant, would listen again.

5 years ago reply 0

A thoughtful, serious discussion. It opened my eyes to the reality's of what is involved

6 years ago reply 0

Fascinating...terrifying...thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience.

6 years ago reply 0