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What an utter waste of a podcast! A completely unchallenged party political broadcast by the Labour Party. Save yourself an hour and don’t bother with this one.

11 days ago reply 0

Great discussion Liam and Alison. Keep up the good in depth enquiry into the state of Britain.

1 months ago reply 0

The Horizon scandal very much reminds me of the Hillsborough scandal. Of which I was a member of the leppings lane, and my pal subsequently died. The hurt carries on and never ends. If we have no journalists holding the establishment to task then it will end the same way. Please keep up your pressure from the best 2 journalists worth there salt. Love the planet, and hurry up with the followers rocket for us all to join you on planet normal.

5 months ago reply 0

Almost all thr illegal invaders landing in Britain are NOT asylum seekers they are economic migrants that we do not want not need. Sick of the cowardice that will lead to civil disorder and worse if they do not do something harsh soon. Sick of bleeding heart liberals and journalists who cannot bring themselves to say what is the truth. This is not about race this is about survival of our race and people in this country to live in the way we always have done.

7 months ago reply 0

No agreement with the Labour bloke. No immigration to this country. Train our own like we did in the past

7 months ago reply 0

Sunak cannot be very practical minded and seems to have no common sense. He also had no white friends when he was young. Tells you all you need to know about how he thinks and where his priorities lie

8 months ago reply 0

What? We didn’t know if we were going to be alive. What on earth is he talking about. March 2020 WTF? Jesus this guy is mental. It’s such a shame when an intelligent person has such a warped view of reality Jesus Christ. 🤦🏼‍♂️

8 months ago reply 0

Sorry Planet Normal. The overwhelming majority of Muslims are pro Islam as their first loyalty and priority. The polling shows this. We have a fifth column in our midst which wants to turn Britain into an Islamic state. The Indigenous Britons are under threat. We will have to fight. The future for us is Israeli style life - living alongside another community that wants us gone or subjugated.

8 months ago reply 1

How can you talk about a housing shortage without mentioning immigration? With net migration running at 600,000 or so, we need to build maybe 250,000 homes a year just to keep pace with that. So your Shelter person seems to be living in cloud cuckoo land I’m afraid.

8 months ago reply 0

It’s not complicated, Liam and Alison. Jews were declared the enemy of Islam by its prophet back in the early days of his ideological mafia band. This has become hard wired into Islamic religious practice and mindset. It is that simple. Another risk is that Islam is determined to convert non believers do we are an enemy until we submit. (Islam means Submission). We have en enemy in our midst. We will suffer as the Israelis have, in due course.

9 months ago reply 0

New Towns need building.....only because our population has increased dramatically because of immigration policies of the past 50 plus years. Our native people are not having many kids b3cause we have destroyed our country by inviting in too many people, causing the natives and othet hard workers to have to work their socks off to pay foe a mortgage and barely there health services for people who have not paid into it for very long, if at all. This country is very broken

9 months ago reply 0

Whilst I’m no fan of this leftist Tory government why would people want an even more leftist government. If you think it’s bad now wait until Starmer and his merry bunch get a n next year. The country is finished. The Tories have done a good job at destroying us now Labour will come in and finish the job. Well done UK public. Short memories and pure idiocy flip flopping between the two parties. Ridiculous system. It needs a big shake up

9 months ago reply 0

It was a bloody palace coup. She was pushed out. Very sad. I feel we should have given her a chance. Her plans were completely on point. The establishment didn’t want it so they pushed her out

9 months ago reply 1

How can there be no moneyterists in the Bank of England. That’s just ridiculous

9 months ago reply 0

Mills is a more of the old Labour. He’s no way new Labour (Starmer Labour) Labour is a basket case. The country will be in a worse place come next year. We need a real change. We have to stop voting between these two parties. When will people Learn. They don’t look any further that the next election cycle people need to try something else. Labour and Tory all out of touch with the country and the public.

10 months ago reply 0

NHS is a useless, socialist dog pile

1 years ago reply 0

Enquiry is being led by a woman, it is leftist emotioneering to push an agenda, a communist agenda

1 years ago reply 0

Tories are pink socialists

1 years ago reply 0