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Thanks Christopher! Appreciate your great work on the entire series. Definitely the best podcast I’ve heard!

2 months ago reply 0

This is a great podcast. Keep it up.

9 months ago reply 0

Greetings! Columbus,Ohio 07-05-2023

1 years ago reply 0

The woke culture is doing all it can to scrub Lee's name from existence. Even "Dukes of Hazzard" has been vilified by cancel culture. God bless Robert E. Lee!

3 years ago reply 0

Very great series on Nathan Bedford Forrest. The facts were presented as close to the truth as can be and no judgment made. People throughout history were never perfect. If the south would have won, Forrest would be held in as high regard as Sherman or Grant. History is written by the victors. This podcast is great.

3 years ago reply 0

The way the host portrays everyone in a neutral manner is what makes this podcast so great. There are other civil war podcasts out there but they seem to be biased towards one side or another. This one is good.

4 years ago reply 1

Great story about Uncle Billy! I believe Georgia Howled but I fear for South Carolina for the Boys know they started this conflict and they will make them pay. I have a 1863 US Army Regulation original book, written on inside is a Captain of the 102 Illinois Infantry, Dated “Atlanta, Georgia sept 23, 1864” in ink. This book, if left in reoccurred (by southern forces after Sherman left) would have been burned so it was taken with said Captain in the March to the Sea. The unit, could only find one easy reference... when they occupied the capital of Georgia (small town called Milledgeville (until 1868), this unit occupied the State House and voted Georgia back into the Union and “then the boys were a big rough with the place and especially the furniture.” The State house was not burned while armories and magazines on Statehouse Square were destroyed. ****So we sang the Chorus from Atlanta to the Sea, While we were marching, through Georgia! *****. Often, slave would tell the soldiers were their masters buried silver/coins so the first thing soldier would do, is ask slaves were are the good stuff hidden.

4 years ago reply 1

I am a Federal Civil War reenactors since 1987.... little Mac was popular with the Army but always kept a good 1/3 of his army at Antietam just watching... 5th corps. He really thought the Rebs were 2x to 3x their true size and thus kept troops in reserve.

4 years ago reply 1

Show is better all the time. 3 cheers for Little MAC!!!!!!

4 years ago reply 1

Getting better! Gold in California was discovered at Marshals Mill... property owned by Swiss gentleman called “Sutter” like “Shut her”... his house/fort was the Nucleus of future Sacramento, capital of California.

4 years ago reply 1

This podcast is awesome. I cannot recommend it highly enough.

5 years ago reply 2

I've always been very interested in the Civil War and I've devoted quite a bit of time and effort to its study for my own enjoyment. I've read tons of books, toured a lot of battlefields, and more recently I've been viewing and listening to resources online such as round table lectures, battlefield guided tours, and podcasts. I think this series is definitely one of the best resources I've came across. It's very well researched and it's presented in a very informative and entertaining manner. I've been exposed to a large quantity of civil war material presented in all available manners and this podcast is one of the best. It really is well done and I'm very pleased to have come upon it. I look forward to many more episodes and I thank all those involved in creating and presenting it.

5 years ago reply 4