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It wasn’t incompetence or negligence. It was On Purpose.

2 days ago reply 0

Pretty pricey gun for a 20 yr old get his hads on even if it was daddy’s

13 days ago reply 0

God bless brother thank you for all your hard work ask Alexa if they will be a 2024 election see what she says..

1 months ago reply 0

As an old timer I remember when the President of Pakistan was assassinated by helicopter crash. Someone brushed the helicopter control stick with a drug that then entered the pilots skin

2 months ago reply 0


2 months ago reply 0

People aren’t standing with Hamas, they are standing with the Palestinians.

2 months ago reply 0

We need to attend to the fact that things in China are not handling their own country’s affairs within their own country.

2 months ago reply 0

I was told when I was young I am almost 60 now, anyhow, Vladimir putin will start ww3, and soon the end will come, the one who told me this was not human.

3 months ago reply 0

Another infomercial! 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

3 months ago reply 1

Then stop with the repeat troll posting. Or go listen to your liberal little girl podcasts.

3 months ago reply 1

Enough with the snake oil salesman pitch! 🤮🤮🤮🤮

3 months ago reply 0

Just the news, not the snake oil salesman pitching junk

3 months ago reply 0

Amazing tribes use to war over small disputes all their tactics such as fluoride in water supply has worked...

4 months ago reply 1

I worked as an Amazon Flex driver for a short time and all Flex drivers used their own cars. There are still Amazon vans but the flex drivers were for packages that came in late after the vans left and or just late arriving packages.

4 months ago reply 1

Also- the amount of Soy products ppl eat which is an endocrine disrupter.

4 months ago reply 1

Why are the Russians so hated watch a video of downtown Moscow you’ll notice a bunch of beautiful white people...

4 months ago reply 1

They only act when they see that it will affect THEM.

5 months ago reply 1

Don’t forget Citizens United ... Corps are ppl. If we had fair elections- we Could kick them out. Great show

5 months ago reply 1

Vivek was a fresh change to the now old drama of Blacks & Hispanic candidates. Indians are only about 1.35% of the US population. They do not share the same struggles the Marxists believe the major minorities have. Nice try. Might have been a Trojan horse.

6 months ago reply 0

John ”Horseface” Kerry is the FIRST one that needs to go in his depopulation plan.

6 months ago reply 1

Though in Bitchute i’ve seen this phenomenon of many subscribers unable to comment on a channel they’re subbed to, eventhough it wasn’t the channel owner himself who was doing it. It was on Black Pilled Ham’s channel: No Bots Allowed. Another thing is an imposter with the same or almost the same tag/ handle as I have has sabotaged me on your channel by posting disrespectful stuff, something which i’ve never been won’t to do..

6 months ago reply 1

..however Dave in another app, from a browser launched Rumble, it specifically says when i try to comment on your Rumble video, that i’ve been ”muted by the creator”, i don’t know if you may have muted me indeed but as you can see from my comments here, idk what objectionable thing/s I may have said. This is the same handle/ tag that I use on Rumble too btw.. God bless us all Everyone

6 months ago reply 1

..the people wait and hope upon the Supreme court for relief? That’s ineffectual until the Justice/s who may have been on the Epstein island are exposed finally. In order to knock over that sword of blackmail held over those justice/s in the Supreme court. And so it is God Who can move mightily, Unstoppably over whatever They can do to prevent it. And over much else that we seek relief from in this world only YAHUAH and His beloved son Yahusha Messiah can effectually provide.

6 months ago reply 0

”Toss them all” is one of the most corporeal powerful things we the people can do at this point. You’re right to Focus on it Dave. They have to feel the heat. And by God’s grace all of them can be taken out of office but for the few who care about the people.

6 months ago reply 1

Rumble nukes channels too Dave.. oh yeah, and it’s much easier when it’s still small, not having the traction yet so that their ”free speech reputation” isn’t hit much. The other viable option is Odysee which livestreams too, and livechat is preserved unlike Rumble where it’s gone after the stream. I haven’t heard yet that comments are censored or denied by the platform admins on Odysee, unless a channel requests it for themselves. But Rumble on its own censor, even prevents posting of comments

6 months ago reply 1

Re. your previous, recent upload on Rumble i’m currently listening to.. touching on stolen wealth, this is not just a U.S. phenomenon of course but from all other countries this is done. Actually when it’s the supposedly ’less free’ countries like China and Russia it’s much less that’s taken, even relative to their economic size because they give it openly as tribute, recognised on their leadership level even if not publicly acknowledged of course ..the biggest part of what’s stolen goes to Rome

6 months ago reply 0

I’m blocked from posting comments on your Rumble channel, hopefully it’s not by you Dave but i do know that platforms do it.. Bitchute blocks comments too on certain channels by certain individuals. Aside from suppressing metrics of certain channels and conversely pushing the useless ones, which useless ones tend to become popular of course! Even blocking of comments is important for Them bec it lessens interaction and cross-pollination, prevents people from coming together and coalescing..

6 months ago reply 1

And if you bother with this platform Dave bec of the functionality of the app, Bitchute has a very user friendly android app: Bitslide.. free app with all the functionality useful on phones, such as ’screen off playback’ and ’picture in picture’. It’s Banned of course on Playstore bec it’s good but you can download, ’side load’ the app on APK pure etc. So your subscribers and followers can still listen to you easily on mobile, just inform them, it’s a free app anyway.

6 months ago reply 1 may be better off Dave, for your time and bandwidth, uploading to Bitchute. It’s still ’glowie’ but you know there’s little that ain’t and it works relatively well for now.

6 months ago reply 0

..actually the betrayal in the beast system is worse than in Mafia gangs where there’s some sense even if they’re still rooted in evil and selfishness. As it it is written in scripture: ”and the betrayer will be betrayed..” Without God they can’t escape what’s coming

6 months ago reply 0

..actually the betrayal in the beast system is worse than in Mafia gangs where there’s some sense even if they’re still rooted in evil and selfishness. As it it is written in scripture: ”and the betrayer will be betrayed..” Without God they can’t escape what’s coming

6 months ago reply 0

Dave many of your more interesting uploads somehow ain’t playing, it’s being messed with.. whoever is doing these things they just don’t know they’re on the chopping block too. The beast system is a system of betrayal just like mafia gangs betray each other. And if they still think they’re with the ’good guys’, what can i say? Ignorance and blindness can be truly astounding

6 months ago reply 0

Dave many of your more interesting uploads somehow ain’t playing, it’s being messed with.. whoever is doing these things they just don’t know they’re on the chopping block too. The beast system is a system of betrayal just like mafia gangs betray each other. And if they still think they’re with the ’good guys’, what can i say? Ignorance and blindness can be truly astounding

6 months ago reply 0

the latest you uploaded on ain’t playin’ Dave.. at least not for me, ”network unstable or server busy please try again later” ( maybe it’s too hot for ? false flag a critical issue between Them and the people right now.. perhaps you could try uploading it on Rumble? )

7 months ago reply 0

Another infomercial! 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

7 months ago reply 1

Brother what happened to your sound equipment? It sounds like your talking through a paper cup tied to a string!

7 months ago reply 0

What about Gen X??? Truly forgotten. WE are largely the parents of many who will get drafted!

8 months ago reply 0

Dept of Education- Federal was not started until the 70s.

8 months ago reply 0