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wow, thank you Glenn and Staff for doing all this work. now I understand so much more about the cultural Marxists and their origin!!

14 days ago reply 0

Glenn Beck IS my guiding light, a TRUE PROPHET, I thought RUSH could never be replaced, well he WAS, and while NOT perfect (dissing Steve Bannon) WRONGFULLY thinking that the Jews are still in some ”special-relationship” with God (70ad ended that notion ENTIRELY) nevertheless my days are NOT complete if I miss my mornings with Glenn Beck, thank you ever so very much, my man Glenn Beck.

16 days ago reply 0

What do you disagree on woth Bannon? You wont say it because youre not a populist nationalist like Bannon. There is nothing a conservative can actually articulate a disagreement with on oolicy with Bannon. Nothing.

18 days ago reply 0

What security clearance does Jill Biden have? What classified information has been shared with her?

19 days ago reply 0

Did you convince Chip Roy to do this? If so youre a POS. We had them and now what? Joe Biden isnt running anything to remove him helps Democrats. Im sick of people like you and Chip Roy. You have zero balls. Goad I dont give the blaze money any more.

21 days ago reply 0

Sorry- not Tulsi. Definitely not.

1 months ago reply 0

Question: is every Palestinian considered a Hama’s agent?

1 months ago reply 0

Im a 63rd old white male from Ca. I never had ”the talk” because if i had ever sassed my elders, including the police, my parents would have killed me or at least given me a near death experience. I see these videos of black youths interact with cops and wonder; didn’t they see Chris Rocks: How to not get your beat by the police Comedy Central Special.

1 months ago reply 0

A lifelong Reagan Republican i couldn’t vote for Trump 2016 or 2020. But now, between these two candidates, it’s a no-brainer.

1 months ago reply 0

No such thing as a South pole. Can’t have a magnetic pole if the core I molten lava. They are lying to you. FLAT EARTH. THE BIBLE SAYS IT. THE BOOK OF MORMON SAYS IT.

2 months ago reply 0

Donald Trump is not going to save the United States, he is one of the Deep State actors playing out his role to deceive millions of people and leading them straight into the New World Order. We have all been played and the sooner that everyone realizes this, the sooner we can start working on solutions.

2 months ago reply 0

Also, the really strange thing is that there are at least 3 Republican Governors who have ignored the First Amendment. Kristi Noem is signing Hate Speech Laws to make any negative speech against Israel as a crime, Sarah Huckabee Sanders making speaking words she does not like criminal, and Abbott of Texas sending out the Goon Squad to beat up protesters that are saying things his financial backers don’t like. This is setting a terrible precedent.

2 months ago reply 0

Ignatius De Loyola is a very significant figure in History that is the founder of the group that most of the Globalists are members of.

2 months ago reply 0

Donald Trump is in the same club as the Globalists but part of the strategy is to convince as many people as possible that he is different and he is a good guy but it’s all a Deception. The club he belongs to has a centuries old agenda to destroy Protestant Christianity. I was very disappointed to discover this fact but it is simply the truth.

2 months ago reply 1