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This is already far from the reality today, evil people know they are evil now. Society isn’t the same. I’m sure if I ask all the evil people I have issues with do you think you’re evil 75% will say yes. You ask me if I’m evil, ill say yes, there are situations in which I will certainly be as evil or more evil then any devil. That makes me evil at some point or some points.

1 days ago reply 0

Mmm left out immigrant work. Move your company to the boarder and just have day workers from Mexico come in and pay em 6.50 an hr, send em back home over the boarder when the days up and you don’t need to pay an American 16 to do it.

1 days ago reply 0

If this is a matrix, which means a construct with a God, nothing goes unpunished or unrewarded. You will have something that looks like you, capable of unimaginable calculations and consideration making decisions. They will experience something, even if they don’t in life they are aware of or after and if it’s a matrix, you might off the levels below that and they may do something about it themselves. Or they may approve. Never know. You could build domains in domains I’m sure.

1 days ago reply 0

What would you do if you found out after your son and parents died this?

4 days ago reply 0

What if your gov knew the truth or atleast as close to the truth as anyone will ever know and your parents died and your son and daughter died not knowing. Maybe they became something or stopped being something. What if you realize your gov could have told you and your son and parents didn’t have to possibly goto some he’ll, or they thought they where going to he’ll if they didn’t do something so they did it and it ended up being the wrong move? What if...

4 days ago reply 0

It’s a mind controlled situation, if you follow it exactly you are not responsible. If you believe in something and learn it, you become it, it’s you and you’re it, it works through you. So, it’s basically the mind controlled scenario, no you’re not responsible if you follow it exactly, you are if you dont.

4 days ago reply 0

We are about to see if gun violence is the mentally ill or structured society. Might have been mentally ill and maybe it could be society. Maybe they are the same?

4 days ago reply 0

That isn’t how they became kings, it wasn’t a birth right. Church and state were more 1, you were chosen by God back then to rule, period. Then I’m reminded after you died your kid had no guarantee, it was up in the air again and God chose again.

4 days ago reply 0

What she’s talking about is just at a tolerance level, beyond that you get way worse, bad situations.

7 days ago reply 0

From now, first 8 hours of blank robot then all day every day, you’ll wonder who you are and what you actually believe think and feel eventually.

7 days ago reply 0

It’s just getting worse. With this liberal acceptance agenda push going on, you leave yourself outside of business and walk in nothing and no one. Just a blank robot expected to accept and be happy with everyone around em, for 8,10,12 hours a day you’re no longer Buddhist,Christian or any other beliefe system because you have to accept and invite things you don’t like, if you don’t you’re fired. Blank robot oroff type situation. I expect people will lose themselves entirely not to long

7 days ago reply 0

Floating invisible mentioned depends on in what conditions you touch the diamond with and what you touch it with, fair point floating invisible has. No truth to the diamond being hard. Close my eyes and be the only person in existence, the diamond is no longer hard. Touch it with something advanced we don’t have yet and the diamond might be like water.

10 days ago reply 0

The world could be black and white, suggesting it couldn’t possibly ever be is pretty crazy.

10 days ago reply 0

Idk, that could be the literal situation. That’s the thing about this place and all this, you don’t know if you’re ever right or wrong, just probably. If the therapist said that, agreed, wouldn’t make em a bad therapist, depending on what they know, they may think you’re right and just have agreed.

10 days ago reply 0

There is an easy answer when waging war, when you become the demons you fight. You leave and never come back. To stay like everyone before this point is to turn the place back into what you fought, you are the power in the place and the power has to walk away.

10 days ago reply 0

The government literally owns a large chunk of IT, Food industry and I don’t know for sure but I’m guessing based on what I know they own transportation as well. All major portions of all our lives, if they don’t own it they control it through bulllaws here in the US. To be free, you’re gonna have to literally take out the US gov then after that you’re still not gonna be free, there is 1 more evil boss floating around you are literally gonna have to take out or keep it busy all day

10 days ago reply 0

That’s already going to happen, the changing of the education system in that exact way. No 1 can stop it either. AI and item identification along with a HUD will be that change. Cheap, everyone can afford it and everyone will have the same opportunity, if you end up not being as good as the next guy, that’s going to be entirely on the person. ChatGPT is almost there in a small way, but include all those 3 things, nothing will stop anyone.

11 days ago reply 0

I wonder if you ever read these comments. I just want to let you know I have been an avid follower of yours since many many moons ago and I love the work that you do.

5 months ago reply 1

How would economics work in an anarchy? What would encourage innovation and new technology?

6 months ago reply 0

Long time listener. I hope you make podcasts forever. Push that boulder and smile. Can you please do episodes on eastern philosophies, tao, samsara. Some more EPS on philosophical fallacies and how to apply them in an argument. EPS on juxtaposition between different schools of philosophy and their real world outcomes. Perhaps a thought experiment where two cities are governed by different philosophies, how would they build society, deal with crisis, and interact with opposing ideas.

7 months ago reply 2

Steven I feel like whatever you have gone through in the past month or so might be relevant to this episode. I lost both my parents to covid in 2020 and have had an array of family issues since then. I can appreciate this episode much more because of it

7 months ago reply 0

Podcaster hates Fundamentalist Christians. Every other Religious belief is hunky dory though.

8 months ago reply 0

Thoroughly enjoyed this, thanks.

9 months ago reply 0

Great video - you are touching areas we need to hear so more about Han’s work and ideas please. Thanks again👍👍

10 months ago reply 0

Best episode yet!

10 months ago reply 0

We shouldn’t be punishing people for crimes as it’s been shown that punishment does not deter crime. Determinism or not.

1 years ago reply 1

Loved thr clauses, very useful

1 years ago reply 0

Great podcast! Everything is so new and thought provoking. Keep it up!

1 years ago reply 0

I love an interview style with modern philosophers. Love all the content. On this one though, I do wish you would have pushed a little harder. If something is unfalsifiable, it’s not science. This way of thinking is a fun thought experiment, but it isn’t a working scientific model is it doesn’t lead us to answers.

1 years ago reply 0

I mean, this is the same scummy debatery that Destiny does. The entire point of a relationship is devotion to being partners. You shouldnt be in a relationship where your partner wants toevery person they see, because that person is not devoted to the mutual wellbeing of the both of you. That person is not giving of themselves to be your partner, theyre taking unreciprocated partnership from you

1 years ago reply 0