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Phenomenally bad. Awful. Painful even.

3 years ago reply 0

Too much political commentary. If I want political insights, I will listen to a political podcast.

3 years ago reply 0

Your gutter mouths also make you look immature and u professional. The one of you who curses all the time is a JACKASS.

4 years ago reply 0

I cannot emphasize what a pathetic job you guys have done. You’re both complete dopes. You avoid so much freaking evidence it is a DISGRACE. You’re both character lacking individuals. William Ramsey, Gary Meece, Shaun Wheeler, Roberta Glass and Ed Opperman would DESTROY you morons. Shame on you. You promote utter deception. They are 1000^

4 years ago reply 0

man I fell into the Scientology worm hole a few years ago... Jesus whackadoodles. great take on it.

4 years ago reply 0

You guys promote further deception and defecate in the graves of those boys. If you both went on with Ed Opperman and William Ramsey, you’d be humiliated. Sorry, but someone has to hold you guys accountable. This podcast was irresponsibly done. It stunk.

5 years ago reply 0

55. Why did Damien tell the Youth pastor that he could never give his life to Christ? Why did the documentaries and the supporters leave this out?: One particularly disturbing episode is described in his psychological evaluation - " of the kids at the detention hall cut his wrists, Damien grabbed his arm and began to the suck the blood, smeared it over his body and said he’s a devil worshipping vampire." 56. Why did Damien Damien confess to his friend Kenneth Watkins? Not only was Damien seen close to the crime scene on the night of the murders and also implicated in the murders by Jessie Misskelley, there were also many other accounts of his admissions to participation in the murders. One such confession was to his friend, Kenneth Watkins. Quote: “Kenneth- then we walked on the overpass, which Damien, and Damien said that he was there, and a couple of other friends. a few people.Ridge- now what's he talking about when he says he was there. Kenneth- he said that he knows who killed the little kids, cause he was there, with a couple of people.” Kenneth Watkins statement: 57. Why did Jessie say “Because I want something done about it” to his attorney when counseled not to come forward? 58. Why did Jessie answer attorney Dan Stidham’s question of “what is the truth Jessie?”....”the truth is that me, Jason and Damien done it.”? why did he say no one had ever asked him to lay his hand on the Bible before? 59. Why did Damien taunt the victims’ families? What innocent person blows kisses and licks his lips at grieving folks?” 60. Why was Damien so willing to share his thoughts about the psychology of the killer within a few days of the murders? Why did his answers greatly trouble and concern the detective

5 years ago reply 0

51. Why does Paradise Lost and WM Free supporters leave out the following? : If Echols' lawyers had evidence that he was elsewhere when the crimes occurred then they would have used it. That they don't call the girls is because they would have contradicted their client's alibi, an inconvenient fact that both Damien Echols and the Paradise Lost films are keen we don't know. 52. Why didn’t Damien’s attorney’s use Damien’s alibi girls’ phone records? There's also no reason to believe the defense team wouldn't have had access to the phone records for that night. Tellingly, since Echols would probably have been acquitted if the phone alibi story was true, they don't use them. hmmmmmm 53. Why didn’t Damien’s attorney’s and WM Free people address this about Jessie’s alibi? In actual fact, the alibi largely crumbled under cross-examination, as the witnesses were inconsistent and contradicted each other. The prosecution team also produced a receipt which suggested the trip had occurred in April, before the murders. Tellingly, Misskelley never mentions the wrestling trip in any of his police statements. Hmmm 54. Why do all the documentaries leave this out?: Echols' frequent aggression was also a major concern. Several expulsion reports from Echols' school detail his routine threats and violence against his classmates. He attacked many of his friends and even tried to gouge out the eye of one boy. Two incidents are documented of him setting fire to his classroom. The aggression extended to his family members. Whilst detained at Craighead County Juvenile Detention Center in 1992, a hospital's psychological assessment reported that Echols was - "presently in detention in Jonesboro, picked up for violation of probation, threatened to slit parents throat and eat them alive."

5 years ago reply 0

47. When asked who committed the crimes, why did Damien answer “Satanists”? (And yet, many WM 3 supporters who ridicule the idea of Satanism being present there, Donny mention that DAMIEN offered it!) 48. Why do so many WM supporters fail to mention this?: 49. There is, however, a considerable amount of evidence to corroborate Misskelley's "confession" that he committed the murders while intoxicated. Not only did police investigators speak to a woman who said she purchased the liquor for him, a whiskey bottle was discovered in an area proximate to the murders -- the exact same brand Misskelley mentioned, in virtually the identical location he told police he had discarded it. 50. Why would Damien speculate in this manner? Who does this?: West Memphis police detective Bryn Ridge's notes state - "When asked about how he thought the person felt that had done the homicides, he stated that the person probably felt good about what he had done and that he felt good that he had the power to do what he had done. " The teenager also had something to say about the killer's methodology - "Damien stated that he figured that the killer knew the kids went into the woods and even asked them to come out to the woods. He stated that the boys were not big, not smart, and they would have been easy to control. He also felt the killer would not have been worried about the boys screaming due to it being in the woods and close to the expressway."

5 years ago reply 0

PART FOUR: (too much damning info to stop at 42) 43. Why did Damien and Jessie fail their polygraphs? 44. Why did Buddy Lucas share that Jessie had confessed to him and passed his polygraph? 45. Why can’t WM 3 supporters explain the following? During his initial police interview, Echols stated that the killer probably urinated in one or more of the boys’ mouths, apropos of nothing? Urine was later found in the stomachs of 2 of the victims, but that information was given by phone only to Gitchell, and not before May 16th, 1993. There is no possible way Damien Echols could have had case- specific information unless he was there or knew someone that was that told him what occurred, as the detective interviewing him at the time was clueless to that fact during the interview. At the time Damien mentioned this detail, no one would have known about this, except those directly involved with the crime. Damien attempted to explain this away by saying he was “thinking about what I would have done if I was the killer”.  46. Why did Jason Baldwin’s Attorney not even try to forth an alibi for him?

5 years ago reply 0

40) Why do WM 3 supporters fail to use common sense about the following, and choose to continually mislead and fabricate?: FACT - "MR. BONJANGLES" DIDN'T DO IT: Around the time the boys were reported missing on the night of May 5th, 1993 a bleeding, muddy African American man stumbled into the women's bathroom of the Bojangles chicken restaurant about a mile from the crime scene. WM3 supporters often complain about one piece of evidence that was lost... blood scrapings from that bathroom at Bojangles. While it is a shame the samples were lost, the man in Bojangles could not have committed the murders. According to the restaurant manager (Marty King) "Mr. Bojangles" had a "blue cast type brace on his arm that had white Velcro on it." A disoriented, one armed man could not have subdued and hogtied three boys. Could he have been a witness? Yes. Was he the murderer? No. 41) Why do people keep saying Jessie was interrogated for 12 hours, when it was actually about 2 1/2 when he began telling what happened? And this was only his first confession...and later admitted he was trying to lessen his involvement!!! 42) Why do WM 3 supporters LIE about Jessie’s IQ, when it has been clearly proven that it was more in the high 70’s to mid-high 80’s?...and that MANY friends and acquaintances of JeSsie have said he’s MUCH smarter than people think?

5 years ago reply 0

39)Why do WM 3 supporters LIE about the following?: FACT - THE WM3 HAVE NOT BEEN "EXONERATED": Contrary to recent media reports, the WM3 have not been "exonerated," found "not guilty," or been "proven innocent." They remain convicted and confessed murderers who were rightfully convicted by two juries. The primary way they could be exonerated is if an alternate suspect is tried and convicted through the judicial process. Previous efforts to frame alternate suspects such as Mark Byers, step-father of Chris Byers, have failed. Now, the WM3 and their supporters are relentlessly attempting to do the same thing to Terry Hobbs, step-father of Stevie Branch. By some estimates, the "Free the WM3" movement has spent as much as $20 million to find "new evidence" that someone else committed the murders. When given the opportunity to present that evidence at a December 2011 evidentiary hearing, the WM3 instead chose to plead guilty. Now, they are presenting their evidence in the court of public opinion through numerous books, movies, and media interviews. WM3 supporters have even offered a $200,000 reward to compel people to "remember" things that might point to the innocence of the WM3. Despite tremendous pressure from the WM3 attorneys, celebrity supporters, and the WM3 PR team so far nothing has been presented to prosecutors in Arkansas that is compelling enough to reopen the case and charge an alternate suspect with the murders. Until that happens, the WM3 will remain guilty as charged.

5 years ago reply 0

PART THREE: 38)Why do the WM 3 supporters and attorney’s lie about the following:? FACT - THE WM3 WERE NOT "FORCED" TO ACCEPT THE ALFORD PLEA: After years of steadfastly upholding the verdicts of two Arkansas juries, The Arkansas Supreme Court finally relented to pressure from WM3 celebrity supporters and the WM3's all-star defense team. In December 2010 the Arkansas Supreme Court granted an evidentiary hearing scheduled for December 2011. The purpose of the hearing was to allow Judge David Laser to hear any "new evidence" the defense had gathered over the years that might justify a new trial. Judge Laser was a new judge who replaced the original trial judge - Judge David Burnett. But instead of presenting that evidence to Judge Laser at the December hearing, the defense went to a new prosecutor (Scott Ellington) in the summer of 2011 and suggested a deal. Their clients would plead guilty using a legal maneuver called an "Alford Plea" in exchange for time served. The new prosecutor inexplicably accepted the deal. No one "forced" the WM3 to plead guilty. It was their own idea. Instead of presenting their "new evidence" and gaining complete exoneration, the slick WM3 defense team convinced a newbie prosecutor he could get rid of a difficult case if the WM3 could plead guilty and be released from prison. Now, that same defense team and a slew of celebrity WM3 supporters are hounding Arkansas officials for full exoneration. Without full exoneration, the WM3 will forever remain convicted child killers and convicted felons.

5 years ago reply 0

37)Why do EM 3 supporters lie about the following? FACT - "THE SOFTBALL GIRLS" HAVE NOT RECANTED: Jodee Medford was one of the so-called "softball girls" who told jurors she heard Damien Echols boasting to other kids at the softball field about killing the children. A frequent supporter lie is the false claim that Jodee Medford has "recanted." No public records exist stating that Jodee has recanted. Some people may have misunderstood an affidavit by Jodee's mother, but nowhere in the affidavit does the mother say her daughter has recanted her story. On the witness stand during his trial, Echols denied bragging to Medford and others that he killed the children. But in a more recent interview with CBS' 48 Hours, Echols admitted that he may have bragged at the softball park about killing the boys. He said "it would have been, like, a joke." You can see him say it on this video at time mark 12:50. This means Echols perjured himself at trial when he denied, on the witness stand, that he bragged about the murders at the softball park. The CBS reporter, Erin Moriarty (a long-time champion of the innocence of the WM3), did not bother to ask Echols about his perjury.

5 years ago reply 0

36)Why do WM 3 supporters lie about the following? FACT– TWO OF THE STAR WITNESSES AGAINST TERRY HOBBS IN WEST OF MEMPHIS ARE CONVICTED FELONS: Baxter County, Arkansas residents "Cody" Curtis Gott and Christian "Blake" Sisk are former friends of Terry Hobbs' nephew, Mike Hobbs Jr. Their interviews were late additions to the film. They went on camera for West of Memphis in January 2012 to talk about what they call "The Hobbs Family Secret." They claim that Mike Hobbs Jr. told them that he heard that his uncle, Terry Hobbs, was involved in the murders. Gott and Sisk were on probation for felony burglary of their high school when producer Amy Berg interviewed them and got them to tell their "Hobbs Family Secret" tale on camera. In May 2013 they were sent to prison on new charges. Sisk was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Gott was sentenced to 7. There have only been a few media mentions of the fact that these star witnesses against Terry Hobbs are young convicted felons from Mountain Home, AR with lengthy arrest records.

5 years ago reply 0

34) Why don’t the WM 3 supporters ever mention the following?: The Bloody Necklace Though never presented to the jury, a necklace belonging to Damien Echols had blood from two DNA sources on it. One source was consistent with his own blood. The second source was consistent with the blood of both victim Stevie Branch and co-defendant Jason Baldwin. The bloody necklace was discovered late in the trial. It was not presented to the jury because doing so would have caused a continuance in the trial to give the defense time to examine the new evidence. It could have also led to a mistrial and a severance of the Echols and Baldwin cases. Prosecutors claimed the sample was used up in the original testing, so the blood on the necklace cannot be re-tested. 35)Why do WM 3 supporters lie about the following?: Blood at the Crime Scene In the Paradise Lost documentaries you will hear people say that "no blood was found at the crime scene." Many people have used that to theorize that the murders took place somewhere else and the bodies were later dumped in the ditch (an idea sometimes referred to as "The Man Hole Theory"). It's a tactic used by the WM3 defense team to attempt to frame "alternative suspects" such as Terry Hobbs. The fact is, Luminol testing in May 1993 revealed significant amounts of blood at the crime scene. Luminol is a chemical that glows when it is exposed to blood, but it was not admissible in court in 1994. The blood revealed by the Luminol clearly shows that the murders occurred exactly where Jessie Misskelley said they did. As one law enforcement official described it, the crime scene "lit up like a Christmas tree" when Luminol was applied.

5 years ago reply 0

29) Why did John Mark Byers experience a much improved change in lifestyle right before he did his 180 and came out in support of the WM 3??? 30) Why do people like Mara Leverett, Johnny Depp, Eddie Vedder, Peter Jackson, Dan Stidham (Jessie’s first Attorney), Damien and Jason themselves, the defense attorneys.....and so many more (including John Douglas)....REFUSE and are unwilling to come on a discussion/debate podcast with William Ramsey/Gary Meece/Ed Opperman? What are they afraid of? Why are they unwilling to be part of an honest discussion with HONORABLE authors/researchers/private investigators that have studied this case for thousands of hours????? They’ve all been asked...and decline. 31) Why did Jessie Misskelley Sr. admit Jessie “could have been there” but had nothing to do with the murders? 32) Why do WM 3 supporters never mention the following: Candle Wax What appeared to be blue candle wax was found on a book (called Never on a Broomstick) in Echols' bedroom. A small blue candle was also found on a table in Domini Teer's bedroom. (Domini Teer was Echols' girlfriend at the time). Why is this important? Because blue candle wax was found on the shirt of victim Stevie Branch. It was never proven that the waxes matched, but this strange coincidence was mentioned in the prosecution's closing argument. 33)Why don’t the WM 3 supporters ever admit the so called “bite mark” matches identically with the bottom of the compass knife that Damien carried around constantly?

5 years ago reply 0

PART TWO: 23) Why has Jessie Misskelley completely distanced himself from the other two in the years since release? 24) Why did Damien physically and verbally threaten MANY folks in the prior years to the murders? It’s all there to research. 25) Why did Damien offer the following: On May 10th, 5 days after the murders, Echols spoke to investigators, describing the murders as a “thrill kill”. He also offered that the the murders were part of the killer wanting “more power” from killing such young children. He also told investigators that the “killer probably felt good doing it” and he “probably thinks it’s funny” and “doesn’t care if he gets caught”. He volunteered that the “boys were not that big and easy to control” and that the “killer was local and knew the kids went out there. 26) Why did Jason take about THIRTY seconds to answer the question from his attorney “Do you think Damien could have killed those boys?” Why does he keep looking down, unable to immediately and categorically say Damien didn’t? 27) Why do WM 3 supporters not understand that the three’s OWN attorneys state the Hobbs hair is really no evidence at all?? Why can’t WM 3 supporters fully research the many, many problems with this so called “evidence”???...yet use it when it’s convenient? 28) Why did a woman who helped financially support these three guys for years.....IMMEDIATELY cease after having a more directive and honest conversation with Jessie? Why don’t WM 3 supporters ever mention this? Pretty amazing story if you care to research...which 90% of WM 3 supporters don’t.

5 years ago reply 0

15) Why would Damien tell a friend that he never killed anyone but would like to know what it would feel like? 16) Why did Damien describe himself as a “sociopath” and as “homicidal”? 17) Why was Damien CLEARLY involved in animal killings in the two years prior to the murders? 18) Why was Damien unquestionably seen on multiple occasions licking the blood off people? Why did he volunteer that “I lick” and visually display it? 19) Why did all three boys show little to no emotional expression when the verdicts and sentences were handed down? Is that the way an INNOCENT teenager would respond? No crying, no outrage, no proclamations of innocence, no meltdowns?????? 20) Why can’t WM3 supporters grasp that Damien and Jason had 1-1.5 hours to clean up the crime scene, aided by the muddy bank and water? 21) Why did Jason and Damien hide when the police came to the house? They joke around about it, but why would they did that? 22) Why were Damien’s parents afraid of him and told the Psychiatric staff they didn’t want him to return home?

5 years ago reply 0