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A product can be listed as sugar free but contain dextrose and maltodextron. Those are actually worse than real sugar. And dont be scared of eggs (most nutritionally dense food you can get) and red meat. Even if it’s a hamburger it is so much healthier than a hot dog

4 days ago reply 0

Drugs like ozempic wegovi etc contain venom from the Gila monster. This has been causing paralysis in stomach and gastrointestinal system to a point they become permanently non-functional. Dr Bryan Ardis has studied it. Go look at his research. Lose weight by avoiding all processed foods. If you can grow it and put it in your mouth right away it is good provided not GMO. No: high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, maltodextron, sugar, soy, etc.

4 days ago reply 0

Democratic socialist? What the is Democratic about socialism?

23 days ago reply 0

He can take 10 days off because he’s not running things

23 days ago reply 0

I hate to break it to you, but evolution is mythology

1 months ago reply 0

It’s pronounced anti-semm-ITTIC not anti-simm-ETTIC

1 months ago reply 0

I bought the book. It is too much like a textbook for me. And full of recipes with food I’m unable to eat. But I enjoyed listening to this, and it certainly makes sense.

1 months ago reply 0

Trump won’t be the first convicted felon I have sworn my allegiance to.

2 months ago reply 0

Donald Trump wouldn’t be the first convicted felon I would swear my allegiance to.

2 months ago reply 0

When is Biden going to bring our hostages home? Does he even care?

2 months ago reply 0

There is nothing funny about hypocrisy. Jesus had no more scathing rebuke than when he called the Pharisees hypocrites (Matthew 23). These are they that he identified as children of the devil (John 8:44).

2 months ago reply 0

It’s pronounced anti-semm-ITTIC, not anti-simm-ETTIC

3 months ago reply 0

Every Christian swears his or her allegiance to a convicted felon executed by the state. Trump can certainly echo the words of king David, ”They that hated me without a cause number more than the hairs of my head.”

3 months ago reply 0

Polls be damned - what is in place to make sure the Dems don’t steal the election again?

3 months ago reply 0

What is being done to make sure the Democrats can’t pull the same shenanigans they pulled to steal the 2020 election?

4 months ago reply 0