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I don’t often agree with Harold Ford Jr, but he should be allowed to speak his thoughts without interruptions. He never argues with others while they speak even when he disagrees, the same should be given to him.

1 months ago reply 0

On Greg’s comment that Biden will not be the Dem presidential nominee when it comes down to the wire, I think that should be a concern. A potential distraction for the Never Trumpers who are possibly seeing Biden as a bad choice and would potentially vote for Trump. If Biden is not on the ticket then whoever else is might be enough to swing people back to the Dems.

1 months ago reply 0

I’m proud to be an American Veteran. I say if the protesters want to support Hamas let them stand and live with them!

2 months ago reply 0

Good old pete

1 years ago reply 0

Can we ship Geraldo somewhere?

1 years ago reply 1

Send the N.IGger back!

1 years ago reply 0

Was this episode recorded under water?

1 years ago reply 1

Get it Judge!

1 years ago reply 1

I’m listening to this podcast here too give support for smaller platforms rather than Google podcasts but the sound is skipping. Is it this site or foxes fault for not downloading it right? It’s happened with other podcasts,all of sudden I’m 30 sec ahead missing parts of conversations.

1 years ago reply 1

Hello, I’m like Elon. Nicely balanced show. Who chose the Judge should get a raise. The Liberal is an ”anomaly,” a liberal that you can have a real conversation with. Now we just have to replace The View with You. 💖

2 years ago reply 1

In mweting

2 years ago reply 0

I’m so sick that Fox is turning liberal. I won’t watch it any more.

2 years ago reply 0

Only a dem would say they don’t agree with violence 😂🤣

2 years ago reply 0

BYOB man 🤣

2 years ago reply 0

Where is Jesse? Biden is a liar. He is incompetent. Fauci needs to be arrested. And I want to sue him and Gates for covid. I had it so bad I was in the hospital 48 days. 35 of it was in CCU. I was treated bad. In CCU. And they invented this darn virus so I want them to be arrested. And I want to sue them. For gain of function.

2 years ago reply 0

Great show Dana is hot ha

2 years ago reply 0

All I can think about this episode is bless Jessica’s heart. She is very indoctrinated and misguided. I know she is there to be the opposing opinion but there is a time to face reality.

2 years ago reply 1

Love me some 5

2 years ago reply 1

The war on cops has been escalating since Ferguson. That was the Pandora’s box of anti police rhetoric.

2 years ago reply 0

Maybe they should put the names of all the interested and qualified people in a hat to draw randomly for a Supreme court vacancy. Perhaps that would quell the racially motivated, gender bias, political gaming nomination process.

2 years ago reply 0

With testy Joe, and testy Kamala, does that not constitute a pair of testicles?

2 years ago reply 0

Jesse & Greg are The Best! Thank you Guys!!! 🇺🇲

2 years ago reply 1

Why does everyone feel the need to announce they are vaccinated when talking about the vaccine? What point are you making? Is that a ploy to get the non covid vaccinated person to get the jab?

2 years ago reply 0

Dr. Fauci should not be fired. He should be arrested for aiding and abetting China in germ warfare.!

2 years ago reply 2

I thought Milley was executed along with shiff, shumer, Comey, clapper, rice, etc…

2 years ago reply 2

Big fan of The Five, nice to hear the other side of msm news

2 years ago reply 1

Good 👍and

3 years ago reply 0

Good 👍and

3 years ago reply 0

Good 👍

3 years ago reply 1

Good 👍

3 years ago reply 0

Good 👍

3 years ago reply 0

could do come

3 years ago reply 0

Stop this garbage get back to real topics

3 years ago reply 0

Why is it he cannot leave Trump out of this. This is Biden doing

3 years ago reply 1

What a great show.

3 years ago reply 0

Why do you people let juan spew such nonsense and don't call him on it. It wouldn't be so bad if he didn't make it all about race when you can obviously tell this is nothing to do with race.

3 years ago reply 0