Comments (22)

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Who gives a flying !!!!

3 years ago reply 0

Dear double James hope you are doing well and your family too here's my simple message to you and all of us today! Dear Friends, Just a few simple things to consider for your life today and eternity! If you can see what's going on all over the world today, and can see that we're living in the crazy, twilight zone, science fiction, movie like atmosphere, in our current times? Just imagine what will people think when the Rapture takes place, and millions of people just disappear from the earth? What will the people left behind to face the 7 years tribulation period do then? The Rapture of Biblical believers in Jesus, is the next event in GOD'S plan for the world! Here's help how to make sure that you are not left behind and Heaven will be your home! Only one life! 'twill soon be past! Only what's done for Christ will last! Don't be left behind, don't be lost for eternity! Don't gamble on your soul! The Book of Daniel: Proof the Bible is the Word of God En Español

3 years ago reply 0

Haha yeah funny q anon what a joke I could never understand why people would fall for it except typical human nature of Pt barnum there's a sucker born every minute? The mystery behind it is why people fell for it oh q must be some secret government good guy? I thank GOD for the discernment I've been given to not fall for it! Thanks for the awesome shows and May GOD bless you and your family with health love joy peace always in Jesus name amen have a blessed day and week

3 years ago reply 0

The thinking man’s Alex Jones

3 years ago reply 0

This is amazing!

3 years ago reply 0

I wish I could muster a more optimistic expectation for a "non-socialist" state of society within the framework of: The New World Order, but the evidence for that prospect seems to be: "in short supply".

3 years ago reply 0

What does that make Carsten? 🤔

3 years ago reply 0

I love your show. I may be an obstreporous deplorable, but I'm no dumb bunny. This is the center ring at the circus no question.

3 years ago reply 0

3 years ago reply 0

UN-Backed “Great Reset” to Usher in New World Order - Bible Prophecy Tracker

3 years ago reply 0

This is the simple message on what's coming soon to this planet believe it or not! The Globalists have their perfect utopia on the way to welcome the coming world ruler antiChrist system! Here's hope how to escape from the coming 7 years tribulation period or Jacob's trouble! Dear Friends, Just a few simple things to consider for your life today and eternity! If you can see what's going on all over the world today, and can see that we're living in the crazy, twilight zone, science fiction, movie like atmosphere, in our current times? Just imagine what will people think when the Rapture takes place, and millions of people just disappear from the earth? What will the people left behind to face the 7 years tribulation period do then? Here's help how to make sure that you are not left behind and Heaven will be your home! Only one life! 'twill soon be past! Only what's done for Christ will last! Don't be left behind, don't be lost for eternity! Don't gamble on your soul! The Book of Daniel: Proof the Bible is the Word of God En Español

3 years ago reply 0

Dear Mr Corbett I know you are probably not going to believe me but there's a huge reason why you see this what's going on in the world today it's all precursor to the coming world ruler antiChrist who will arrive on the scene shortly after the Rapture occurs taking away millions of people from the world then the time spoken of called Jacob's trouble or the great tribulation will be coming as well a 7 years period commencing with the signing of a peace treaty contract with Israel and the world via the antiChrist world ruler figure who is most likely alive and well on planet earth today! The simple truth is that everyone is being conditioned to receive the coming mark of the beast as well, the common temperature head scans are conditioning people the great reset is the precursor! Please don't be left behind! See the next comment

3 years ago reply 0


3 years ago reply 0

The episode feed went blank a few days ago

4 years ago reply 0

All the episodes are gone?!?

4 years ago reply 1

Mr. Corbett what are they implementing in Japan? I never hear you reporting on that area.

4 years ago reply 0

Videos on YouTube, my friend

@Podbean user : Video? This is a podcast app
4 years ago reply 0

That's all well and good, but how will you incorporate the poor people? You talk about buying land, etc.....come onn!!

4 years ago reply 0

always well researched. thank you

4 years ago reply 0

Thanks for this education.

5 years ago reply 0