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Important to differentiate between success as a species and success as an individual!

10 months ago reply 0

Another woke brainwash project. How hard can it be to find a real science podcast?

11 months ago reply 0

can’t wait! loved the last season!

2 years ago reply 0

Tese These podcasts are the bezt I have ever heard. As a white female conservation biologist who started in the early 80’s I relate to your problems of being the only female. Your poor treatment as a black scientist points out how engrained white supremacy is in the sciences. Please keep the podcasts coming and keep on being a ”bad-ass wildlife ecologist.”

2 years ago reply 1

LOVE your podcast. Please do another season! All of it is great. I was so upset listening to how you get treated just becauseif your skin color. I am white and it is easy to take things for granted. I am sorry this happens and hope things continue to change for the better. In a more cheery note I laughed so much at your Maasi episodes. I did voluntary work in a remote Kenyan village years ago and it was a major cultural adjustment. I can see how you could end up in your predicament!

2 years ago reply 0

Wow! So generous of you to put yourself out there and share your insights. Thank you. I am a woman in science me I feel at least part of your struggle, but this gets me thinking how we can all support each other more on all fronts. A lot of work needs to be done, and it will take many hands.

2 years ago reply 0

I really appreciate hearing your stories and your experiences. This episode in particular helped me - a white, female, ecologist - better understand just how far we have yet to go and how impactful the cumulative weight of seemingly minor aggressions are to POC. It also helped me to think more deeply, and hopefully, about ways in which we all can do the work that is needed. I hope you come back for another season!

2 years ago reply 0

I really appreciate hearing your stories and your experiences. This episode in particular helped me - a white, female, ecologist - better understand just how far we have yet to go and how impactful the cumulative weight of seemingly minor aggressions are to POC. It also helped me to think more deeply, and hopefully, about ways in which we all can do the work that is needed. I hope you come back for another season!

2 years ago reply 0