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His final home looked over Miss Short's final resting place and demanded his daughter give her child the middle name Elizabeth.... Yeah... He didn't commit this crime 🙄

2 years ago reply 0

Huffington post office for National statistics are not have been working in front of me on my way to the best way to go out on the road in front of me on my way to the best way to go out on the road in front of the fact Gaithersburg of love special do me a favour Golden Man behalf me

3 years ago reply 0

I think this family should stop breeding. Let’s just end this bloodline, I’m sorry.

3 years ago reply 0

...that God would give man the knowledge to develop a pill that could darken the color of my skin...

4 years ago reply 0

I think I would have preferred a single host. Rasha was good. Maybe someone not related to family so it’s less biased would have been nice. But overall I enjoyed.

4 years ago reply 0

Just wondering did you guys ever reach out the Georges other children?

4 years ago reply 0

One story started and suddenly fipped to a trailer about a college admission c scandal. WTH??!

4 years ago reply 0

Why aren't the LAPD willing to check the DNA presented by George Hodel's son?! Very strange. This is the biggest case! It can be solved!

4 years ago reply 2

I've now tried 4 different podcast apps and Episode 4 stops around the 19 minute mark on every one citing "unknown error". Very frustrating and I can't find any support anywhere on the web..

4 years ago reply 0

I wish I could mute the background music .

4 years ago reply 1

All of you are just incredible inspiring... George and Tamar have absolutely nothing to do with the absolutely amazing people you all are... y’all are amazing IN SPITE of them, not because of the things they did to hurt y’all! Your strength came from you, not from them, not even from their evil... it was in y’all, it was!

4 years ago reply 0

Fauna Two/Too just breaks my heart! I would just love to hug her! You can hear it in her voice, just how broken she was made to feel. If you ever read this please know, and I feel I can safely speak for everyone who listens as well, the amount of love this world has for you may not be a mother’s love, but we love you! We hear your pain and we wish we could carry it for you! Your mother never deserved you, dear heart, you are more than she could ever have been! Thank you for sharing your story, that must have been incredibly hard... you are safe now. F**k Tamar!!!!!!

4 years ago reply 0

She was just as bad as George , pure EVIL

4 years ago reply 0

Omg what was wrong with her ,no moral compass , never got a clue at all , no excuses

4 years ago reply 0

I listen to horror podcasts all the time, but this series was kept me up at night. Why have we not isolated the George Hodel's of the world and not allowed ourselves to become complicit in this kind of evil? Because we are evil too. Chilling, all that ruin.

4 years ago reply 1

I loved this podcast, and also feel so much love and respect for how the Hodel family have moved on from their admittedly awful family history. They sound like wonderful people.

5 years ago reply 2

Oh, you guys. I'm so sorry about your mama.

5 years ago reply 1

Fauna #2 really made me tear up. I hope she found the love she deserves.

5 years ago reply 1

I had to take a break from this episode it's just so much trauma to even just listen to

5 years ago reply 2

This was so well done. You Ladies made your Mom proud.

5 years ago reply 5

Great podcast just Love it xxx

5 years ago reply 0

Fine line between genius and worthy

5 years ago reply 0

I just binged all of these episodes - what a powerful story! The last episode was inspiring... I hope the Hodels continue to heal and to be there for one another. Thank you for sharing!

5 years ago reply 7

This episode is so, so heartbreaking. I keep tearing up with each individual's story.... I wish I could tell tamar's kids that they are heroes for sharing their stories! They have gone through the ULTIMATE betrayal.

5 years ago reply 5

Even the background music.... so awesomely creepy!

5 years ago reply 2

I have been intrigued by this story since I read Steve Holdel's book about 15 years ago! I am so fascinated to hear more about the Hodel family. Thank you for sharing your story with the world! I purposely did NOT watch the TNT show because I wanted to listen to this podcast first.

5 years ago reply 0

Brought here from Bloody Murder

5 years ago reply 0

What an amazing show! Does anyone know the name of the theme song or artist? Turn up that radio!

5 years ago reply 0


5 years ago reply 0

Love this podcast, it's a horrific truth about your family but thankfully your mom wasn't raised in that home!! Thank you for sharing, I also enjoyed the TNT series!

5 years ago reply 0

All I can say, is you are the bravest family to tell your story to the world,this was an awful thing to happen to all of you! Thank you,you sound remarkably happy! So greatful for you sharing,it makes you stronger! Again thank you

5 years ago reply 1

This was an all around sad story I hope all involved have found some sort of peace and hopefully have been able to move forward from all of it

5 years ago reply 0

If you downloaded the full file, delete it. Then re-download it. You should get the full version.

@Christa B : It says 43 mins but only plays less than 2 mins..
5 years ago reply 0

His voice sounds soulless. Very creepy.

5 years ago reply 1

This is an excellent podcast series! I prefer it to the 6 part series on TV. Sick individual George Hodel was. Evil to the core. I am so sad Tamar had her children had to go through that. Horrified as to what Elizabeth had to endure. So tragic. 😥

5 years ago reply 1

I think it wouldnt be a far reach for her to learn to exploit/manipulate people the way her dad did. How could you not?

5 years ago reply 0

It says 43 mins but only plays less than 2 mins..

5 years ago reply 2

I've tried listening to this episode on here and Stitcher and I only get the advertisements.

5 years ago reply 3