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3 months ago reply 0

There’s honesty boxes everywhere in Maine. The snow doesn’t stop diversity hires though, sorry Gariepy.

1 years ago reply 0

that Ashkenazi is a small sample, its very old, and also only applies to verbal IQ see Ron Unz‘s ” the myth of American meritocracy” for details . if they were ever significantly smarter , that day has long since passed , ntm their small numbers still would not warrant their incredible overrepresentation.

2 years ago reply 0

China and the U.S.!!! We want the Fourth Reich NOW!!!

2 years ago reply 0

One of New England's more retarded Governesses has recently stated that "we" could handle 20,000 lovely, totally not criminal Afghanis. And that's for Maine. I shudder to think what coddlebrained shenanigans they're doing elsewhere in NE and beyond.

2 years ago reply 0

Never heard much "fash wave" but that was good, and the Metal was great!

3 years ago reply 0

For what it's worth;

3 years ago reply 0

To my shame I'd forgotten the sacrifice of Catholic children as a catalyst. Wouldn't you know that every book I've read on the Plantagenets forgets that too, and focuses on the 'wow just wow' aspect of Christian demonetization of usury. Anyway. Thanks for this. The Edwardian Plantagenets are some of my personal heroes.

3 years ago reply 0

U wot m8? They're apologising for the Edict of Edward I? Gay. Great show, all the same. I always like hearing from Mr. Collett.

3 years ago reply 0

Great stuff! Thanks.

3 years ago reply 0

That's a fine bit of history, thank you for sharing it.

3 years ago reply 0

Good stuff. They had me read some of Kipling as a boy in New England middle school, but never thought to look into his life. Fascinating stuff.

3 years ago reply 0

Sexuality and mortality goes hand in hand.. it's silly to claim God has a gender..

3 years ago reply 0

Marriage to the sea. The beginning of the law of the sea; Admiralty or the Law Merchant. This took shape and flowered under the control of The City. So we see the sea merchant power move from Venice to London. Since most merchant shippers were Jewish we can assume that the Mercantile power of Venice was somehow connected to the Sanhedren..

3 years ago reply 0

We've had Covid cases. We've had no Flu cases. The Flu and Covid have the same symptoms.. hmmmmm??

3 years ago reply 0

From what I've come across the British Israel thing is historically recent. Early chroniclers thought the early English were Trojans..

3 years ago reply 0

When it comes to trans sport participation could the sport league use testosterone level limits or secondary sexual development as a determining limit on participation??

3 years ago reply 0

Erectus Walks Among Us...

3 years ago reply 0

Erectus walks among us..

3 years ago reply 0

I had heard that Orwell was initially for the communists in the Spanish revolution. But became disheartened with them. And wrote the novel "Animal Farm" about his revised view of communism. Can you guess who the Pigs are?? Give you a clue. They fight violently among themselves, until threatened by a non-pig. Then they band together to fight the "other"..

3 years ago reply 0