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There is nothing about Christians in Revelation. Ever heard of the resurrection of the just? Only those deserving of everlasting death will be assigned the lake of fire (actually, I am deserving, but, by God’s mercy through Christ, I will be spared)

26 days ago reply 0

I’m not sure I would equate being Catholic is the same as being a Christian

2 months ago reply 0

You are a gift from GOD, Mr Slater. I really appreciate you.

4 months ago reply 1

Recommended books. ”Pacific garden mission, the gateway to heaven” by Carl Henry.

1 years ago reply 0

thank you Mike for your show and all you do. Thanks for speaking the truth unapologetically and boldly.

1 years ago reply 0

Ministers and evangelist should go amongst the homeless and ask them do you want to be set free from your addiction from the thing that’s bringing you down . do you want to be reconciled to God do you want to have peace with God then you must humble yourself and confess to God that you cannot save yourself. That you are hopeless . that you have no power. that you want him to forgive you and make you new and be your Lord and savior.. not do you want to get off the Street?

1 years ago reply 0

I think we emphasize the reconciliation with God over against the power of the spirit. Reconciliation is absolutely necessary and is of first importance, but we must tell men and women that there is a power able to set them free also

1 years ago reply 0

Christianity is the life of God in the soul of man. Thank God there is a cure, the only hope. God indwelling us by the Holy Spirit. The power of God

1 years ago reply 0

Unsaved man is not governed by his mind he’s governed by his desires, these urges these things that drive him to do what he knows to be wrong, he needs a new power to overcome these sinful drives where he can now be governed by his mind and not his lust drives

1 years ago reply 0

This is why the gospel needs to be preached to the homeless to the drug addicts and the mentally ill because Jesus Christ can set them free by giving them a new power, the only Power that can overcome their sinful Drive sinful urges sinful desires and replace it with a greater new and more powerful desire for holiness which will lead them to Victory over your sinful desires. Only the gospel solve the Homeless Problem by making Men new with new desires and new power,

1 years ago reply 0

Where drunks can overcome drink, the sexually perverse gets the power to become chaste, where the angry gets the power to overcome his anger, where the thief has the power to resist to steal. Not only are they given a new disposition or they don’t want to steal they don’t want to drink they don’t want to commit sexual immorality but yet sin still is in US and seeks to bring us down, but God gives us the power to resist by the holy spirit. Praise God and also the power to obey God

1 years ago reply 0

That is the gospel you’re correct. But the gospel also gives power. And man needs not only to be reconciled but he needs power to overcome his strong sinful urges and desires, and this is what the gospel promises. God will give you the power by the holy spirit that you receive to resist your sinful nature and to fulfill your new god-given desires. Mankind needs not only knowledge but most of all he needs power. And the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ gives you the power you need

1 years ago reply 0

Love this one. What’s God’s will for your life? To make a lot of money? do great things? No you’re sanctification. Your character . You’re being . Excellent! thank you Slater

1 years ago reply 0

Liberty according to the founders was the liberty to do what you should do and what is your duty to do.

1 years ago reply 0

This is why Christianity is the only answer because it gives you a new disposition which hates (motive)to do evil and sin and loves or desire ( motive) to do the will of God and then gives you the power to do what you desire.

1 years ago reply 0

As a man thinks so is he. Proverbs

1 years ago reply 0

Out of your heart proceeds good or evil, not out of your behavior only. The two go together motive and behavior

1 years ago reply 0

Who’s right Dennis Prager or Jesus? It’s absurd to even ask the question. Who cares what Dennis Prager thinks. He’s a moralist. Everything is in terms of behavior and what’s best for himself. Christianity is interested in motive. God looks at the heart which leads to behavior. You can do a good thing with a bad motive and God judges that as an evil deed because your motive was wrong.

1 years ago reply 0

Love it Slater. Great job. You’re on the right track. Going back to the Protestant fathers. Great Insight and teaching from the word of God and history. Thank you

1 years ago reply 0