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Why PwC ? Have you not heard about the appalling behaviour of PwC in Australia that was condemned by all political parties - leaking confidential information for their own benefit

6 days ago reply 0

Some of the most intelligent analysis around. And it turned me into a New Statesman subscriber

15 days ago reply 0

Gabriel came across as being captured - a bitodd

20 days ago reply 0

I’m already exhausted by Kier Starmer. He is such a stiff miserablist. He gives the impression of a man who wouldn’t like it even if the news was good. He’s basically boring Batman. The cadence of his speech is so angrily staccato, even when he’s not being demonstrably angy. Negative charisma and negative vision.

23 days ago reply 0

Andrew’s view of human nature being responsible for Grenfell flies in the face of the fact that other countries, with different regulatory frameworks, are capable of good behaviour without the overbearing oversight that Brits both love to impose and hate to undergo. The problem, if we wish to boil it down so, is culture, not nature. The attitudes of groups and leaders needs to interrogate and challenged, not the rather pathetic lamet of ”its just human nature!”

1 months ago reply 0

wonderful podcast series. Decent, knowledgeable, unpretentious with just the right dollop of humour.

3 months ago reply 0

NS commentators continue to be alarmingly ignorant of European politics

3 months ago reply 0

I disagree that the lib Dem vote is disproportionate. The vote share was about 13% and they will have 72 seats I think. This seems really close. The oddity is that the high water mark of lib dem support was about 20% and they had 50ish seats. Well done Ed Davey. Now to work!

3 months ago reply 0

I’m sorry but this is such a bland view of what’s going on. Why can’t you be angry about thethat’s everywhere. It’s not difficult. Had enough of New Statesman and it’s useless middle way usekessness

6 months ago reply 0

a gentle suggestion: your WhatsApp notification ad needs to be shelved. honestly, it was painful to listen to once, and now it’s on 3 times an episode. I won’t make any personal comments about the protagonists’ acting ability, as I realise they’re not pros, but “come on guys”

8 months ago reply 0

In Sweden, a PR system has provided this country with *decades* of left dominated government and for a number of elections helped keep the far-right party out of government (they still aren’t officially a part of it even now) The NS position betrays a limited understanding of what different electoral systems actually produce in the long run. I am sure the panel knows well what kind of government is produced in the long run by fptp.

9 months ago reply 0

Buried the lead a bit on this one! The behind the scenes bit was by far the most interesting part

11 months ago reply 0

I trust you aware of PwC’s recent track record in Australia where a partner broke confidentiality agreements with Government for profit. Senators Deborah O’Neil & Barbara Pococke are questioning the whole role of consultancies in govt. Their behaviour has been described by all political parties as appalling. Google PWC Australia or the two Senators.

1 years ago reply 0

Not to mention evolutionary psychology is a whole field, but don’t worry guys, all the lecturers can go home, Quinn doesnt think you’re studying a real thing so forget about it

1 years ago reply 0

I’m not saying we should have any fascist ideology based on IQ, but if you say research what a Google interview is like you’ll find out the level of mathematical ability that the people that work there has is far beyond normal or average

1 years ago reply 0

Unfortunately for Quinn’s arguement the most creative people have the highest IQs

1 years ago reply 0

Quinn is such a quack, there’s plenty of high IQ coders working in big tech that are women, and if women wanted to go become coders they’re free to do so, it has zero to do with patriarchy

1 years ago reply 0

The bell curve does not say that women have a lower average IQ, that’s a lie

1 years ago reply 0

It’s not a fetishism though, being a coder at Google or apple for example requires a level of mathematical ability that only the top few % of people on the IQ scale can do

1 years ago reply 0

”listen to the experts, except when they say something we don’t like then don’t listen to them”

1 years ago reply 0