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JMcC : ☠☠☠🤮☠☠☠🤮☠☠☠

1 years ago reply 0

I find in really strange and hypocritical that CA football teams (and teams across the country) can have bleachers full of unmasked people but ”oh no, not 2 year olds” And I see Governors and other polititians on the news and in the paper having parties unmasked. Gov. Hutchinson in Arkansas in the profile section of the paper all the time having get togethers at the mansion, all unmasked. It’s all about power and control. Wake up people!

2 years ago reply 0

my job just stated we have to get the shot or else. Not going to happen.

3 years ago reply 0

jerry shut up

3 years ago reply 0

BS blaming the unvax people.

3 years ago reply 0

your favorite liberal doesn't know much. mask don't work.

3 years ago reply 0

Bobby needs to shut up and stop trying to make people to get the vax also because I already made up my decision I don't need her or Jenise to tell me what to do.

3 years ago reply 0

Miss Janice is an old biddy who needs to mind her own business the mask do not work

3 years ago reply 0

Shut Miss Janice up she's not a doctor

3 years ago reply 0

That back ground noise is really annoying.

3 years ago reply 0

There are reports of beef magnatized

3 years ago reply 0

Those scientists should be jailed.

3 years ago reply 0

In Alachua County Florida there is a section of this County, Southwest area, that wants to succeed from Alachua County where the city of Gainesville is and it's a Democrat run County and City and the taxes are extremely high here, same thing is happening, but in a much smaller scale, this is not nearly as big as Atlanta

3 years ago reply 0

Gov. DeSantis needs to stay in Florida because he has more power as a governor than a vice president.

3 years ago reply 0

Chic fil la is the best, i won't go to 🍔 king ever again

3 years ago reply 0

That guy's voice that was singing is horrible. I had to fast forward, couldn't bear it.

3 years ago reply 0

All these thieving illegal aliens need to be Shipped to demoncrat states and democratic politician's homes.

3 years ago reply 0

I just started listening to your podcast about a month ago ,I have noticed you don't mention the election FRAUD and then today you must have called Biden "President" 5 times in the first 3 minutes I couldn't stomach it so I turned it off . people Luke you only want to complain about what Biden is doing while it us your fault that he is doing it .I lost ALOT of respect for rush in the last few months because he to cow toweled and did not mention it concerned more about his platform then the TRUTH

3 years ago reply 0

Please listen to the words of that song you’ve started playing called Hungry Heart it’s really not a Conservative song at all. As a women who’s raised three daughters herself without help from their father I really hate that song. It does have a good beat but to me it’s worse than songs by Black Sabbath and you know they are evil just by their name. Please just listen to the words and let God guide you on it. Thanks so much and have a very blessed day:) 🤐

3 years ago reply 0