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Thank you. Would like to know what episode it was that had Dr. Tenpenny on talking about how to treat children that aren’t vaccinated because drs freak out after the child gets sick that ”could have been prevented”💉. She really broke it down good with the mild infections.

3 days ago reply 0

Faith is a sine qua non, but Courage is needed for its actualization.

13 days ago reply 0

This is a great interview with Dr McDougall and Dr T. Colin Campbell.

2 months ago reply 0

Sugar is a natural food in fruit. Our closest relatives the chimps eat 80-90 % of their diets as fruit, mostly figs. They occasionally eat meat or animal products. For most of our evolution we ate the same way. Americans are terrified of sugar and starches because of the terrible processed food they eat. It is not the same thing as natural sugars. Please look at the work of Dr John McDougall and Dr Esselstyn. We are not evolved to live so far from the equator which is why vitamin D and SAD happe

2 months ago reply 0

My son’s autistic (Asperger’s Syndrome) and was both encouraged and angered by the lack of response, Research funding from bIG Pharma

3 months ago reply 0

& milk thistle, black cumin seed.

5 months ago reply 0

Fatty liver = non gmo soybean lecithin, beets

5 months ago reply 0

EZ mag - food supplement magnesium

5 months ago reply 0

Eat wild fish five times a week, 16:27 increase beets for nitric oxide .. supplement .. beta food, collagen formation factor vitamin P

5 months ago reply 0

8:00 organic buckwheat, beets, garlic

5 months ago reply 0

Hate the music segments

6 months ago reply 0