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1 years ago reply 0

Interesting interview with MacFarlane. I hadn't heard that the decommissioning fund had been drained- I'll look into that. I can't just trust MacFarlane's word because while she's technically correct in a bureaucratic way she's also misleading. For instance: nuclear waste is not dangerously radioactive for thousands of years. They literally decay, becoming less dangerous with time. In fact the director of CERN doesn't even consider those isotopes with billion year halflives to be radioactive. MacFarlane seems to be a backwards looking bureaucrat, working with established rules which were often designed with less input from science reports than political polls. A very different conversation would have been had with Burns or Svinicki. What to do with waste? Wait about a decade for the advanced reactors. Each "spent rod" is worth a million dollars in future energy production. I'd store a bundle of them for free.

5 years ago reply 0