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Do you know she refers to Jase a b*t*ch in one of her latest Tik-Tok? Look into it.

2 years ago reply 0

Do you know what your daughter does on Saturday mornings? When her kids wake up and walk into her room, she's masturbating on Tik-Tok. How retarded are you? Do you mind stopping the support for a like your daughter? She loves to get juicy and plays with other guys and girls! (she's bi, she admitted that to me before she left) take action, fker. Grow the fk up up, dude

2 years ago reply 0

Usually in those counseling session you take Pam and you try to kiss her on the cheek or hold her hand while you're praying. You are absolutely a piece of fking garbage

2 years ago reply 0

There are a couple things you do well everyday and you thank the Lord for them... encourage your grown daughters to leave their husband's? Find loopholes in the RS to make your church pay you for having meetings on your own property? Sexually grooming women from your congregation? Those are the pedophile type things you do well. Keep thanking God for them you fking fagt. You're a Despicable piece of garbage and I'll never forgive you for what you did to my wife.

2 years ago reply 0

You don't have a gift for making a lot of money? Why would you tell the government that you had 19 employees and that your yearly income was a couple million dollars!? Just to get the benefits of a loan for people who were actually struggling?! I can't wait until the day the IRS bust your door down and takes your @ss to prison for the rest of your miserable life. Covering for Ken and putting all of his stuff in your name so he wouldn't be caught by the IRS? All that $h!t is documented. Enjoy!

2 years ago reply 0

Dude I can't believe your lack of self awareness. You are preaching against your daughter all sermon. Why in the hell would you tell her to break up her family unit when she's the one living like an absolute prostitute? This sermon solidifies the fact that you are an absolute charlatan hypocritical piece of garbage. Did it not ever occur to you that she might be the problem and that we needed some counseling to get some of her issues worked out? You are a pathetic, useless, lukewarm bastard. 🖕

2 years ago reply 0

Ps. James Dobson is an absolute piece of garbage who condones physically beating and abusing young kids for all kinds of petty behavior. Some of his Partners have written books about how to discipline your kids and some kids have died due to the absolute child abuse he promotes. So please stop endorsing abusive people like this with my 5 young kids on the front row of your cult services. The dude was an absolute piece of trash, and you supporting him makes you no different.

2 years ago reply 0

And last thing, you act high-and-mighty in front of your congregation but does anyone know about the allegations of sexual grooming you have towards one of your adult female married congregants? Kisses on the cheek and demanding hugs and touching while praying? You are a disgusting charlatan, a fantastic hypocrite and I expect nothing less from a piece of garbage like you. But your support for my adulterous wife and mother is absolutely despicable. But get up there next week and preach more bs.

2 years ago reply 0

You literally have no idea who your daughter really is. She's pulled the wool over your eyes, along with the rest of your family. And yet you still support her and her destruction of a family unit so she can what... be a Tik Tok star who's a hair stylist? You make me want to throw up and you wonder why I have no interest in a listening to your version of Christianity. Your entire family makes me sick.

2 years ago reply 0

If you practice what you preached, you'd have gone to the scriptures and told her to put her freaking phone down and start being a mother and a wife. Instead you and your son decided to fund the destruction of a family unit. Why don't you ask her what her view is on other people watching us have sex? She has a kink for both male and female to watch us have sex and then she switches it up and says that she was cheated on because I found a female that was into that.

2 years ago reply 0

Your "response as the church" is to support this behavior 100 percent. Lukewarm hypocrite. Your daughter told you that I cheated on her but you never even asked me. I never cheated on your daughter. She chose social media stardom over her family and you and your son decided you were going to fund all of her Godless Behavior. What happened to reconciliation and taking the high road? You believed her BS and you stand in front of your congregation acting like nothing ever happened.

2 years ago reply 0

Either you're a complete hypocrite or you have no idea what your daughter is posting online. One of her newest videos is about how many peoples penises she gets sent to her direct messages. You're attacking social media while supporting your daughters unbiblical divorce so either you're a complete idiot or just a hypocrite. Why don't you spend about half an hour tonight going through all of her videos on Tik-Tok so you can see the "higher" Christian life she's living.

2 years ago reply 0

Well I guess when you "have a severed relationship and are going through a divorce", you shake your @$$ on Tik-Tok and become a total $lut on the internet. Very God honoring for you to financially / emotionally support that kinda behavior. I can't think of a better example of living the higher Christian life. Great job! Keep up the good work!

2 years ago reply 0