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one of My favorite go trump

8 hours ago reply 0

Absolutely. Like wtf!!

13 hours ago reply 0

Profound!!! I love it…amazing conversation! All adults should listen to this one.

1 days ago reply 1

Great episode John Rich..

3 days ago reply 0

Matthew 24:40; two in thed field, one will be taken (Jesus said) Revelation 3:10, I will keep thee from the hour of temptaion (Jesus said) I agree we wont know when this gathering will happen, and that certain things must happen first, but clearly, Christians will be spared from God’s wrath.

3 days ago reply 0

Very timely, we are studying Revelation this year in Bible Study Fellowship. Join us in September!

3 days ago reply 1

Pure projection as always. All the things you accuse Russia think America hasn’t done the same and worse??? 😂 😂 😆 Let me guess you have justification for all your evils? Well so do all the people you condemn

4 days ago reply 0

Darby was not the originator of pre-mil & pre-trib. This views been around since the 1st century. Mr. Rich you have a lot more homework to do.

4 days ago reply 1

Ever heard of Carmen? A Christian artist way back in the ’80s did songs about spiritual warfare. Good stuff

4 days ago reply 0

Hey BTW the song Antechrist as nothing to do with religion. He use that as a reference on what happend In his life. In the song he comparaison the way he is been treat like he was the Antéchrist. There is like 5 layers of perception and so mutch info and word crossing other. God is real but religion are bad real bad.

5 days ago reply 0

Let my eminem quiet. I knew he was confuse with his line in the sand and. But eminem has save my life when he describe exactly how I feel and why I fell that way. That save me because I was about to kill

5 days ago reply 0

So much revelation. So much truth. So much to study! Thank you, Tucker and John.

5 days ago reply 2

That’s what Israel wants you to believe. Israel is no protector of Jewish people. Do you even know about the Hannibal Directive?? And Israel is not fighting enemies for America. How is Israel fighting China in the Pacific? Or in West Africa? It’s tiny and not stopping anyone. It’s like a Chihuahua with delusions of grandeur. Israel is just a drain on US taxpayers

6 days ago reply 0

Modern journalism began in the Progressive era to professionalize and counter the Yellow journalism of several news giants like William Randolf Hurst who falsly reported the sinking of the USS Main in 1898 staring a war with Spain. Edward Bernays the Nephew of the Austrian Psychiatrist Sigmund Freud had studied psycology and public relations theory the manipulation of public opinion and was involved in shaping modern journalism professionally in a progressive direction. Yellow journalism lives.

8 days ago reply 1

I was never a huge fan. Her story about about the vaccine injury to a service member that isn’t about the efficacy or relative safety of the vaccine, instead It’s about how long the army takes to determine her injury was in the line of duty? Wait wut? How about a story about one of the many many YOUNG CHILDREN who were severely injured being forced to take a drug THEY HAD ABSOLUTELY NO NEED TO TAKE. CHILDREN DIDN’T EVEN GET A FEVER FROM COVID... NOTHING ..ZILCH

9 days ago reply 1

I know the exact ”national security reporter” he’s talking about and her name is ..... Jenifer Griffin ... I’d bet money on it...

9 days ago reply 2

I think we’ve seen evidence without the media giving us transcripts. How utterly ridiculous. We can see his mental decline with our OWN eyes.

10 days ago reply 3

Already I’m questioning her credibility at her suggestion that we gather data points to determine if Biden’s obvious cognitive decline evident in the debate was a one off. 😆

10 days ago reply 4

Joe Rogan is no hero, for those who see things and understand what people are really doing they see through people like Rogan. He is very dangerous because he can act like he is one of the guys ,but he isn’t helping his listeners. I remember him call people morons and whatever else for not getting the jab and a year later when it’s safe he goes against it and didn’t even get it he is a scumbag

11 days ago reply 0

hey imbecile Steve Sailer is one of those NON GUILTED WHITES who actually is UNAFRAID TO SPEAK THE TRUTH, if YOU are offended, you NEED TO BE.

16 days ago reply 1

hey mr. STUPID Steve Sailer says TRUTHS no one else will NEVER dare SPEAK OPENLY.

16 days ago reply 1

hey Tucker! I love your podcast avatar image! it is PERFECTION! you look TOUGH, SERIOUS SOBER-MINDED! just what is NEEDED!

16 days ago reply 0

it is QUITE INTERESTING how the LEFT has ENDED their FIXATION-HATRED of the CIA ever since the (rockstar-king-obama) was enthroned in (2009) launching his ”woke-revolution” ALL intelligence agencies were PURGED and became WEAPONIZED to serve the LEFTIST (deep-state) and globalists, THAT IS WHY NO anti-FBI and NO anti-CIA SERMONIZATIONS which were CONTINUOUS from 1965 ONWARD up until (2009) WAKE THE UP PEOPLE!!!

@Bou : Tucker probably got an offer he could not refuse...
16 days ago reply 0

so VERY HAPPY you have launched your FREE podcast Tucker, a PAY-to-listen service, WOULD never work (at least for ME) FREE SPEECH MUST BE FREE!!!

16 days ago reply 0

this has been the LEFTIST plan since the (rockstar-king-obama) was enthroned in (2009) flood the nation with new proletariats to keep the ”woke-revolution” going forward and the ”woke-america-express-train” marching forward

16 days ago reply 0

YOU ARE SO SPOT-ON!!! these Islamic-Fascist-Scum SEEK the DESTRUCTION of america and western-civilization (including chrisianity the western-civilization theological infrastructure) it is the ”conquer the world for Allah” THIS IS WHY the LEFT promotes (islam) the LEFT are (”fellow-travelers”) WAKE THE UP!!!

16 days ago reply 0

I have LOVED the (Tucker-Carlson) show on (fox-news) HE WAS THE MAN!!! (my 2nd favorite host was of course (Laura Ingraham) i miss the (Tucker-Carlson) show like NONE OTHER, sadly it is DEAD and GONE and WILL NEVER be REPLICATED, no matter what Tucker-Carlson does to try to re-invent himself, he never will be able to re-imagine or re-incarnate or re-birth himself in any other format, Tucker IS (visual-optic) ONLY

16 days ago reply 0