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11 months ago reply 0

Don’t make fun of them they have reasons. Also, they never said bees.

1 years ago reply 0

You guys don’t get paid enough. It’s very obvious those kids are rude, but the parents are worse.

1 years ago reply 1

I love you guys soooo much I am following you guys on and I am subscribed YouTube

2 years ago reply 0

I’m a teacher and a parent. I will encourage my children to read what they are interested in. My 7th grader reads young adult novels. I know when he gets into high school, he may not have the privilege to read the classics like To Kill a Mockingbird. I’ll make sure he reads my copy. I want him reading a variety of genres and topics. I’ll be darn if someone who has never been in the classroom will dictate what my child reads or cannot read.

2 years ago reply 0

I had a friend that would bring each of the girls in our friend group a single rose and small thing of chocolate ( m&m or Hersheys bar) each year (7-12 grade) so none of us would feel left out and we would get something special… it was super sweet

2 years ago reply 0

In high school I had a teacher that told me she hated me (more than once) and also made jokes/ took cracks at me missing school all the time due to a critical illness I never really said much about it because even when I did nothing was being done and it ignored

2 years ago reply 0

PSS If you think a biological male who believes he is a woman to play on girls sports teams is ok you are a complete moron. Please wake up sleepy sheep.

2 years ago reply 0

PS Stupid people can reach very high levels in school districts and other branches of government. Best example right now is Joe Biden.

2 years ago reply 0

Regarding your group think and the liberal progressive bubble that all of you on this podcast seem to be living in.... How about inviting a Christian Conservative Republican teacher to your anti-christian Democrat teacher party.

2 years ago reply 0

I don’t agree with everything these teachers say but I laugh almost every episode. 😂

2 years ago reply 0

Anyone want to know why violent kids are permitted to stay in school with no discipline? Because a bunch of pro abortion, Democrat, liberal idiots took God out of school.

2 years ago reply 0

How can you be a teacher and have never read the best selling book in the world. If you have not read the Bible you should not be allowed to teach.

2 years ago reply 0

I feel so sorry for kids learning from Godless , atheist , anti-Christian, pro abortion teachers like these people.

2 years ago reply 1

Are all of these idiot teachers on this podcast from Satan’s playground (California)?

2 years ago reply 1

PS Tiktok is a tool used by communist China to gather Intel.

2 years ago reply 0

Uhmm... scared of bees and birds? WTF is wrong with these women?

2 years ago reply 0

The high school I work at, during the online zoom year we couldn’t give a student any grade below 70%

2 years ago reply 0