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We pronounce it like Melben cuz we’re lazy. That’s also why we shorten everything. Servo, barbie, coldy, smoko…

9 months ago reply 0

In sweden it’s illegal to aim towards people, on a motorcycle and even a car. If you can’t stop the car you can’t aim for the motorcycle or car and of course not people, you always aim for the ditch. People in a car is more protected than a motorcyclist and people walking, and you can’t risk other lifes so not other cars either, so ditch it is. I thought this was a universal thing :)

1 years ago reply 1

Disney is a huge trafficking hub if you guys dig into any of that stuff you’ll be really shocked they use little girls in the part that are wearing yellow dresses and Walt was way involved with the Masons whether he was one or not is argumentative but he was definitely not on the good side and the whole CIA being involved just really questions everything I mean you guys have studied operation paperclip what about the MK ultra or project Star Wars there are so many

2 years ago reply 1

Have you guys done anything on bohemian grove? I think the moon landing was a hoax and walt is a bad man or was

2 years ago reply 1

”AFTER A DECADE ”. ... of Marvin building his business the county being patient with him.. that tells you everything you need to know. Not to mention he sold that property for almost half a million dollars BEFORE he rented back the shop to make his kill dozier.

2 years ago reply 0

The gov. Does suck the fact they require him to get permission he couldn’t get to put in the sewer stuff is unfair and it could have been avoided im not justifying his actions he was wrong but the rules they require is unfair

2 years ago reply 0

Did it just happen to me or did anyone else get to 25 mins in and it glitch out?

2 years ago reply 0

My favorite podcasters talking about the most intriguing real murder case I’ve ever heard. I found a video in youtube a while ago, that I cannot fix nd now, that proposed a pedofile ring amongst powerful and influential people and the Ramseys were involved and got poor Jonbenet in it. John B. had to have influential people to save his skin from all the evidence pointing at the fact that it was someone inside the house and the family . The fact that the crime could have taken place the evening before the 911 call was placed and the fact they attended a party the night before, just makes me believe it more. I wish we could know !! Who and how did Jonbenet died? This case has shocked me since 1997

2 years ago reply 1

Love listening to you guys! The only constructive criticism I’d offer is that when your friend talks, every other sentence has the f bomb. It really lowers the intelligence level of the podcast. Maybe just reign that word in a bit. Otherwise, great work!

2 years ago reply 0

Do you ever just get to the topic? Jeeezus

2 years ago reply 1

This is a podcast about questioning things. Not blindly backing a government agency. That’s the exact reason the police have gotten away with awful things in the US, because people try to enforce a toxic brotherhood. A true moral cop wouldn’t align with such an extremist mentality. It’s important we hold all cops to standards and keep them accountable and not blindly back dirty cops. They are meant to protect the people, and the people protecting dirty cops IS the problem. Back the truth!

@Dixie Dawn : Very disappointed in your take on Rayshard Brooks justified shooting! Research a little more! Back the Blue! The crooked DA filed charges before GBI was even finished with their investigation. A teaser is considered a deadly weapon if it fits the narrative of the left!
2 years ago reply 3

Don’t listen to this unresearched garbage. Every single bit of evidence shows that he is guilted. “The system” didn’t make any mistakes, he wouldn’t even take the stand to defend himself, the bandana didn’t have DNA of the “other guy”, his story changed multiple times on his location during the shooting, etc. you guys need to actually research before trying to creat fake facts.

2 years ago reply 1

I think this episode was really interesting and also points a lot towards the speaking of the bible. Even with what kendal said at the end, that she believes creatures live down there that thrive in heat (um the devil?!) it would be really interesting if you haven't already done it to see an episode on your thoughts of Christianity, considering the amount of evidence for it though it would probably span over about 4 episodes! It's also a really peaceful way to view life. 👌

2 years ago reply 1

I don't feel like she committed suicide! I think someone who lived at the Cecil killed her or someone from skid row followed her. Look at the history of the Cecil, at who lived there, and what went on there.

2 years ago reply 0

I cant imagine where her head was at, but I'm absolutely terrified of water and theres no way I would take my life that way omfg

3 years ago reply 0

I love you guys, but didn't enjoy you two arguing , hahah

3 years ago reply 0

I. L .O .V .E. your podcast. We vibe on the same wavelength!

3 years ago reply 0

Love these two.

3 years ago reply 0

At 48 mins it reminded me of in futurama when fry went back in time he killed his grandpa and had sex with his grandma because he didnt know who she was and ended up being his own grandfather

3 years ago reply 1

Almost four days, I have severe insomnia. Your eyeballs go cold, you get tunnel vision, your body reactions are crazy slow and you start to hear things like whistles.

3 years ago reply 0

I knew a guy who was at fort hood and he said that drugs were everywhere and that was big problem.

3 years ago reply 0

They don't care. It's always "white people bad" with them.

@Dixie Dawn : Very disappointed in your take on Rayshard Brooks justified shooting! Research a little more! Back the Blue! The crooked DA filed charges before GBI was even finished with their investigation. A teaser is considered a deadly weapon if it fits the narrative of the left!
3 years ago reply 3

Omg no bc then the criminals will start killing animals

@allears : Omg, if scientists figure out how to get records of info from putting a micro chip into brains of animals, that means animals that witness crimes can become a reliable eye witness. Lol I patent that idea!
3 years ago reply 2

Yikes. They missed a lot from the story. There’s actually a lot of info about the house guest out there. She was a friend of the wife. There’s a lot of detail missing.

3 years ago reply 0

Please add a brief description of each episode

3 years ago reply 0

You'd have to be gullible as fuck to believe that kidnap video

4 years ago reply 0


@Dixie Dawn : Very disappointed in your take on Rayshard Brooks justified shooting! Research a little more! Back the Blue! The crooked DA filed charges before GBI was even finished with their investigation. A teaser is considered a deadly weapon if it fits the narrative of the left!
4 years ago reply 0

Very disappointed in your take on Rayshard Brooks justified shooting! Research a little more! Back the Blue! The crooked DA filed charges before GBI was even finished with their investigation. A teaser is considered a deadly weapon if it fits the narrative of the left!

4 years ago reply 4

The parents weren't home, it was discussed in the podcast.

@crossmankeri92 : how in the world do you get a statue like that and then on top of it how do you get it in your room without your parents noticing
4 years ago reply 0

Very uneducated about police... spreading misinformation is dangerous.

4 years ago reply 2

it's actually Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone they use sorcerer for the us as it appealed to the younger generation I literally just listen to the audio books and JK explains

4 years ago reply 0

how in the world do you get a statue like that and then on top of it how do you get it in your room without your parents noticing

4 years ago reply 0

Kendal is right this interviewer is gutty bahaha love it

4 years ago reply 0

Wait, the police are saying the guardrail decapitated her as she was leaning out of the car. Did she take her clothes off, then get back in the car to be decapitated? I know people do strange things when they're in shock, but I've never heard of a headless woman getting undressed on her own. Next question: if she was leaning out of the passenger side, how did her body end up in the middle of the road?

4 years ago reply 0

Sorry, human trafficking is not 'rampant' here. It's a serious problem in eastern Europe and poor Asian countries, places where a desperate woman can easily be lured away with the promise of work. What is rampant here? Family and spousal/intimate partner violence. Why do you think the boyfriend or husband is always investigated first, or the parents in the case of a missing child? Stranger abduction is incredibly rare.

4 years ago reply 1

I have read WAY too many dystopian "fiction" books and all of this mandated vaccine stuff is straight out of those books. Idk, I'm not an anti vax person, but it still creeps me out.

4 years ago reply 0

love your podcasts! plz do one on the men in black!!

4 years ago reply 0

Yeah they shut Brittany down because when she sings in a lower octave like that she's flat as f***

4 years ago reply 0

Stop telling people you have Lupus when you don't even have a diagnosis

4 years ago reply 0

man I can't stand people like Kendall they always have something wrong with them always honestly it's just an attention grabb

4 years ago reply 1

Much love from Chicago. Love listening to your podcast.

4 years ago reply 0

Love your podcast from Chicago.

4 years ago reply 0

Colin Powell is black

4 years ago reply 1

Hi from Chicago. Love your podcast.

4 years ago reply 0

The fact that you waited to report on this complex crime with little evidence to this day is commendable.

5 years ago reply 0

I'm actually traumatised by josh's Christmas story!!!

5 years ago reply 0

Lol and to clarify, Toy Story 3, on top of an elevator in the elevator shaft. Lol that's my memory without looking it up. Plus, in Tommy Boy Chris Farley says "Luke I am your father" into the fan. So, people have heard "Luke I am your father" in a movie, but it is not in Star Wars.

5 years ago reply 0

I asked a room of preschool teachers from that were my moms co workers from the 80s and 90s aaaaand they were livid I tried to tell them the correct way to say Bearstain Bears instead of Bearstein ( however you spell them). Lol they said it was photoshopped because they know it's Bearstein

5 years ago reply 0

I already watch y'all on YouTube but was too excited to listen to the show early

5 years ago reply 0

Omg, if scientists figure out how to get records of info from putting a micro chip into brains of animals, that means animals that witness crimes can become a reliable eye witness. Lol I patent that idea!

5 years ago reply 0

"Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul. I know, because I turned down the first offer often enough and held out for the fifty cents. Marilyn Monroe RIP 💕💋

5 years ago reply 0

I've never had sleep paralysis, but I always have crazy dreams where I'm doing missions etc it's so much fun! Meditation helped me with it, especially Jason Stephenson on YouTube. Would be cool to listen to a podcast on meditation and mindfullness etc? Helped so much with my anxiety and dreams !

5 years ago reply 0

I always look forward to listening to a plethora of topics that are explained by the power couple I look up to! Love you guys!💜

5 years ago reply 1

I was expecting a alien abduction.. too much for me.. see ya next time

5 years ago reply 0

It would be great to hear a Jacie Lee Dugard podcast next the video was genuinely really interesting I watched it sooo many times I love this podcast and both your channels so much !

5 years ago reply 0

Where is the link for the UFO sightings? :)

5 years ago reply 0

Do a Ted Bundy podcast! More true crime!

5 years ago reply 1

I know you hated President Bush but don't blame his family for the costs of his funeral it is the requirement the gov't puts on the services for presidents. Also all the costs you blamed our current president for again is not his decision. Blame the congress. Look into all the perks congressmen and women get along with the senators while they are in office and out. Im not a fan of either presidents mentioned but the gov't is now run by the congress and the senate and the president has very little to do with it. I want a 3rd party since both current parties have sold us out. Each side do not care about the people.

5 years ago reply 0

you are both amazing im crying as im listening my situation is so similar its really tough so nice to know im not alone keep fighting guys youre inspirational and thankyou for sharing your story xxx

5 years ago reply 0

Not interrested to listen to politics. This just got me irritated and I will not listen to the rest of the podcast. Do you want to be Sweden? It's turning into crap dictatorship because of segregation and irresponsible politics.

5 years ago reply 1

Love your podcasts. keep up with the great work.

5 years ago reply 0

Replace all the cars with electric cars? Were does the electricity come from to charge these cars? From coal powered power plants. The footprint to produce an electric car is greater then a gas powered car over its entire lifetime. You two may need to do some deeper research before you make statements on global warming.

5 years ago reply 0

Mile higher horse..

5 years ago reply 0

you both are doing such amazing things with this podcast keep up the awesome work guys lots of love to you!

5 years ago reply 1

Love the Missing 411 stuff. Some really wild stories.

5 years ago reply 0