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It’s not true that the verdict divided the country along racial lines. That’s something the media made up!

1 months ago reply 0

DeSantis is an economic illiterate. And why aren’t Americans lining up to fill these jobs that illegals were allegedly stealing from them?

2 months ago reply 0

Thank you for this uplifting podcast. Provides hope in this era of political solos.

3 months ago reply 0

Bandaids on bullet wounds don’t help WAF. What would truly End Poverty and Homelessness for ALL ppl All over the Planet? #StopGreedyPplFromPricingPplToDeath

3 months ago reply 0

Republicans are caught flat footed because their social agenda is out of touch with a majority of Americans. Since they live in a bubble and/or safe gerrymandered district, they easily lose sight of how out-of-the mainstream they are.

4 months ago reply 0

They can use phrases such as “the totality of the circumstances” but they can’t mske their racism and venality won’t go away. Classic lipstick on a pig. The pig being republican traitors.

1 years ago reply 0

Thank you for your thorough investigative journalism!

1 years ago reply 0

It’s a beautiful thought, and I’d love to see our home from afar, too. However, what about the immense resources used to get people into space?

1 years ago reply 0

No one trusts ”The Haitian Style” 2020 election. Everyone knows it was shady. They saw it with their own eyes.

1 years ago reply 0

Interesting how NPR always describes the Atlanta spa killer as a white man, yet when they mention the other hate crimes committed against Asian woman which are committed by Black men, they conveniently leave out mentioning the race of the perpetrator.

2 years ago reply 0

Thoughtful reflection about minimalism. Thank you

2 years ago reply 0

The risk of debilitating our healthcare system for the foreseeable future should be an issue in the first question in this episode.

2 years ago reply 0

You couldn’t have expressed that situation more accurately. Because of the Trump cult, I left the Republican party and questioned my nearly 6 decades of religious commitment. I believe Trumpism is the antithesis of Jesus ’ message.

2 years ago reply 0