Comments (15)

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excellent podcast, thanks!

1 years ago reply 0

Love this AltMiddle approach to life.

2 years ago reply 0

So loved listening to this. I have 3 girls 15yrs, 12 and 9 my 2 oldest are struggling with anxiety right now. I am a Kiwi practice nurse who just recently found Zdoggmd on FB. Here in NZ we have been sooo lucky not to have had to go through covid lockdowns or the amount of deaths the USA has. has just started to get out of control here. Luckily we have had the opportunity to get vaccination rates up and to learn stuff from those of you who have paid dearly for our learning. Thanks so

2 years ago reply 0

Jeez, gatekeep much? Year Pradesh has its neighboring provinces as control groups. Shill much, gatekeeper?

2 years ago reply 1

oh how I wish this was more widespread

3 years ago reply 0

Rational debate.

3 years ago reply 0

That last quarter or so where you talked about authenticity and spontaneity are all pretty much core parts of Taoism. Pretty interesting to hear about these things from doctors.

3 years ago reply 0

EVERYONE needs to listen to this episode. E V E R Y O N E.

3 years ago reply 0

love yr stuff. your English accent take cracked me up! Best. John. I am an "md" from UK and immune impoverished. extremely vulnerable to covid. Good stuff. thank you

3 years ago reply 0


3 years ago reply 0

Except, "The president isn't a peer reviewed source" , you act like Trump made it up. Ignorant. You know damn well he got the information from a good source. There has been several sources now. Because he knew the information before we saw it doesn't mean it doesn't exhist.

4 years ago reply 0

I totally agree! California RT

4 years ago reply 0

Love your show!

4 years ago reply 0

I found you on a podcast. YAY! This is a great way of catching episodes I missed. I will continue to be a FB supporter and maybe iTunes. I do miss the comments in real time.

4 years ago reply 0

I'm not a nurse yet, but a CNA on a dementia (engagement) unit ... Not currently overweight, but just lost 22lbs to get back to my comfort zone and started working out (for me!!!) I, for far too long, have been that person who gives 110% of my energy to my family and my residents. For years, I have worked insanely long hours with a ridiculous about of stress and responsibly. Recently (2&1/2 months ago) I decided to join a gym to get in better shape... I was hooked!! The difference it makes in my day to day with and home routines are undeniable. I have so much more energy, but most importantly... I feel better about myself and that enables me to give better care (physical, mental, emotional) to all of my residents as well as my family and friends! Myself included! This short cast, just hit so close to home. I can tell you, with undeniable certainty, that taking care of YOU/YOURSELF will change everything in your hectic and beautiful life for the better... So much better!! I'm finally getting back to school to get my nursing license (@ almost 33) The fact that anyone can call any caring and loving nurse, or CNA ... LAZY??? Do you have eyes??? Our jobs are to keep your loved ones alive!!!! Clearly not an easy job on any level!! Be kind, be empathetic and understanding of what other people might be going through!!! We give so much to your loved ones that sometimes we do not realize that we are neglecting ourselves... If you think you can so a better job of working 10-16 hours a day caring for others (especially Dementia patients) better and more deeply and loving than most of us do, please, be our guest!!! Thank you for addressing this subject... I would love to hear your opinion on Dementia care and maybe something about the CNAs?? I know I, personally, love your show and world be so happy to hear what you've got to say about that area of the medical field!

5 years ago reply 0