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Rowan Dean is 100 percent correct!

9 months ago reply 0

I thought we were already at and always have been way under net zero. Nature absorbing mire CO2 than is produced on our continent. So we can all relax.

2 years ago reply 0

What a vague sellout spin doctor she is.

2 years ago reply 0

Wow, what a piece ofyou’ve become. I thought you had objective views on life. Why don’t you look at Israel, highest vaccination counts of any country yet their ICU’s are overflowing with patients 90%+ double injected. If you can still get the virus with the jab or the second jab you’ll still be able to get it after the 8th. Besides it’s NOT A VACCINE it is a genome therapy, it changes your genetics, ILEGAL TO BE USED LET ALONE ENFORCED UPON AUSTRALIANS AS IT IS STILL EXPERIMENTAL TIL 23

2 years ago reply 0

I also love the three books you mentioned, and the fact that one of them is now banned in some schools is an indictment on that school. All should be mandatory reading. They are full of the dangers of the mob, and more importantly show the value of courage and integrity.

3 years ago reply 0

In Russia, all students read the Gulag Archipelago at school. Maybe we should do the same. It may open some eyes on the hortors of communism.

3 years ago reply 0

Such a fantastic analysis by Catherine McGregor. I hope people are listening.

3 years ago reply 0

Mullis was highly critical of Dr Tony Fauci, who he said didn't know anything about disease and was a liar and a fraud.  We find it interesting that you, Mr. Bolt, would get yourself vaccinated when the chance of you kicking the bucket from this virus is 0.03%. Why would you risk taking an experimental vaccine at all? The former Vice President of Pfizer,  Mike Yeadon, said you're 50 times more likely to die from the vaccine than from the virus.  It was nice knowing you

3 years ago reply 0

Our governments are under reporting vaccine harm and deaths and over reporting numbers of people taking up the vaccine offer. Dr Kary Mullis, the inventor of the famous PCR technique, said his technique should not be used to detect the existence of a virus in the organism. Strangely, a healthy Mullis died just a few short months before the chinavirus hoax was released on the world. Mullis was highly critical of Dr Tony Fauci, who he said didn't know anything about disease and was a liar and a f

3 years ago reply 0


3 years ago reply 0

In all honesty Mr. Bolt; you have left out the important fact that Mr Netanyahu has become a bit of a Yahoo somewhat of late!...

3 years ago reply 1

How can you listen to this podcast when every recent episode has it's audio digitally stuffed up. Infuriating to try to listen when there are missing or repeated segments. For crying out loud.... please fix it!

3 years ago reply 0

Great show.

3 years ago reply 1

So full of ads thrown in at inappropriate times.😡

3 years ago reply 0

Completely agree with the two female guests in the show relating to the issue of women I think commentators need to remember that most people do not agree with these few leftist activists, who will never be appeased. Many women do not agree with quotas as they are patronising. We want the best person for the job. Culture issues are important, but the liberals need to stand up for their own values instead of being a pseudo labour party.

3 years ago reply 0

jacinta nails it as usual. these men hatibg activists supposedly standing up for women don't care about anything but activism and bleating about anything and everything. If they care so much, what are they doing about it?

3 years ago reply 0

Thank goodness there are journalists who actually want to find out the truth rather than conducting an emotional witch hunt. The ABC and Louise Milligan in particular should hang their heads in shame. I hope CP sues them.

3 years ago reply 0

When will Bolt Report stop being listed as news? This idiot does zero research and has more outdated views than a particularly conservative stegasaurus

3 years ago reply 1