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BTW some of my best learning has come from footnotes, especially those that suggest alternative approaches to the topic being discussed or a fascinating tangent of arguments.

8 months ago reply 0

This has been a most profound and potentially transformative conversations to shape inner life and encounter with others.

8 months ago reply 0

Waleed Ali has nailed this. Anyone who thinks as I do fears the vagaries of political machinery determining the effect and functioning of The Voice on a day-to-day basis. I also hold concerns about the delegation of authority and responsibility to a pervasive bureaucracy. Australians do not want to use the constitution as a loud hailer of its ethical positioning. Changing the constitution when we have so many other vehicles that express our values and concerns is arguably a naive proposition.

1 years ago reply 0


2 years ago reply 0

1. What a load of codswallop, untrue, in regards to Ms Carson, and most especidlly in her Abc article, ”Are Melbourne protests a harbinger of things to come?” Highly insultive to MANY MANY THOUSANDS committed, passionate, awake, freedom, democracy loving Aussies!  ”Academic” Carson demonstrates a little mind, a high school intellect with no heart/soul/conscience seared. Living in her basement of darkness, a tiny little-me non ”life”, serving the power of death, interminable misery....2/

2 years ago reply 0

Listening in Melbourne Lockdown 6. So relevant. Thank you. For the recognition of the diminishing civility an

3 years ago reply 0

Thank you both for your common sense and your ability to make sense of the madness that is our world

3 years ago reply 0

Keep up the great work guys. Your discussions are needed more than any other time I can recall throughout my 44 years on this earth.

3 years ago reply 1

I love these discussions and if the result in nothing else they are increasing my vocabulary

3 years ago reply 0

Ministers swear an oath to serve all Australians , not lobbyists.

3 years ago reply 0


6 years ago reply 1