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Omg. Jd vance says rape and incest victims to give birth even if they are 10. He is a monster. Stop glorifying him. He grew up poor and now he wants the poor to be hated and left behind. He was a never trumper. He is an kisser. He supports trumps tax cuts for the rich. His challenge is to tell the truth. Trump picked Vance because he will kiss trumps fat . His story is a sideshow.

5 days ago reply 0

Hannity needs to be fact checked. Jd vance called trump hitler, incompetent, would vote for his dog over trump.

5 days ago reply 0

You do know that jan 6th lies you keep telling have been debunked. Maga supporters beat cops. Stormed the capital. Fox was fined so much money for lying. Still you lie...but within the lines. You are shameful. A young republican tried to assassinate trump. A young man who had access to an assault rifle thanks to republicans.

5 days ago reply 0

Omg. Play trumps rhetoric. You are not fair and balanced. And your man has been convicted of rape, fraud etc. He is a felon. Juries found him guilty. Juries pucked by both sides. When will you ever be fair and balanced? Never.

5 days ago reply 0

You always have a lot to say. Most of it false and made up. You talk about incendary rhetoric. Trump is the king of that. Immigrants are vermin, the election was stolen etc. The biggest rhetoric and violent speach comes from Trump, endorsed by you. Will you finally call for gun reform that both you and Trump oppose.

5 days ago reply 0

You can be just as arrogant. You made well. Love Linda!!!@

7 months ago reply 0

You don’t like Vivak because he criticized you. You DO NOT TAKE CRITICISM WELL! NEVER HAVE!

7 months ago reply 0

I typed in ”Joe Biden blunders” on youtube, spinning, spinning, no loading.

7 months ago reply 0

Hey all these doj have been catfished they can’t go bac

11 months ago reply 0

i always enjoy the show on Fox Televisiion Gvido, Belgrade (Serbia)

1 years ago reply 0

Here’s a clue game answer ”it was Hunter in the library with a McDonald’s straw”

1 years ago reply 0

this p is ,ore informative then several others

1 years ago reply 0

Amazing you stick with fox, I no longer watch fox, go Newsmax!

1 years ago reply 0

Questions. What has the RINIO Graham got on Hannity? What does Hannity feel about Fox lying about Kari Lake? Is Hannity Paul Ryan’s lapdog

1 years ago reply 0

Funk this paid propaganda mouthpiece who supports installed u.s. Ukrainian officials and wants to push war. This traitor to humanity is insane and apart of the problem. Leave me alone and let me grow my food kid.

1 years ago reply 1

Hannity is still hiding in Massachusetts. Still afraid of the scary COVID. HAHAHAHA.

1 years ago reply 0

Hannity either is very ignorant or a really shittyreporter. He must check his ”facts” far better.

1 years ago reply 0

Because they can’t win that way...Dems want an easy win..unconditionally.

1 years ago reply 0 was nuts that all the sudden...there are problems.

1 years ago reply 0

Stop saying I’m tired of all this stuff! I’m a republican but am tired of all the bias and seemed cheating! What’s the use? The use is we are. Doing it get up and vote Red the Dems are voting ! Think of our kids!! Vote Red!!!

1 years ago reply 0

Will really love to hear more about it, if you would like to talk more sir 🙏 Hope you don’t mind my sincerely Cheers 🥂

1 years ago reply 0

We will have fusion reactors deveoped long before we run out of fossil fuel. Once developed, we could feed it anything. As it stands now, we can sustain fusion in less then a second. In theory, we could feed fission reactor waste to a fusion reactor. The ultimate clean energy.

2 years ago reply 0

How dumb is this idiot woman hosting with Hannity?

2 years ago reply 0

Could u imagine all the people that wants Putin’s head on a spit sending Russian soldiers in a sovereign country that are intermixed between Russia and Ukraine it’s like killing your family by order of a dictator wink and a nod president

2 years ago reply 0

No, Hannity, it wasn’t to distract everyone from Hillary’s email scandal. It was to distract from her Uranium One scandal, when she sold our Uranium to Russia! I’m sure it was also a distraction from the email scandal, but it was mainly the Uranium One scandal that most Americans were livid about.

2 years ago reply 0