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Weard show with a few gulag loving manipulators 👎

2 years ago reply 0

And they wrote a musical.

2 years ago reply 0


3 years ago reply 0

Left com talk at 35:00

3 years ago reply 0

 "It is self-evident that this necessity of the distribution of social labour in specific proportions is certainly not abolished by the specific form of social production; it can only change its form of manifestation. Natural laws cannot be abolished at all. The only thing that can change, under historically differing conditions, is the form" - Karl Marx (who proposed using labor time/output as a measure of account under lower stage socialism, feasible with today's information processing tech)

3 years ago reply 0

The left Bolsheviks experimented during and coming out of war communism and themselves turned right as they learnt lessons, as they adopted the NAP. As Stalin built up state industries and coops he wrote about the struggle to reduce the field of exchange, giving a critique to those who wanted to make the farms buy their own means of production instead of the state providing and maintaining them. He talked about the difficulty of eliminating exchange between town and county.

3 years ago reply 0

If attempts to build socialism tought is anything it is that abolishing the value form is easier said then done. I would go so far as to say that value-form theories are an idealist dead-end, and a regression from the materialism of classical political economy.

3 years ago reply 0

Zapata is Spanish for "shoe". Congratulations on naming your child "shoe".

3 years ago reply 0

This is an imperial mentality that you can tell activitists from other countries what to think and lead internationalism without even trying to walk in their skin. So turned off by this last bit. The whole show was amazing but this last bit is incredibly disorienting when the expectation was international solidarity

4 years ago reply 0

The last bit of comment on how the Chinese language is difficult is ridiculously off putting. You don't have to learn it but don't call it crazy.

4 years ago reply 0

The Redskins were a Northern Soul band.

4 years ago reply 0

Omg that hard cut was unfair

4 years ago reply 1

Is this an interview with the guy who surrounded teenager and punched him in the mouth and bashed his head into a car? I know the soundcloud rapper was arming children. It's honestly a libertarian wet dream. We've seen the videos, the place looks like Escape from New York.

4 years ago reply 0

Clueless but also, worse, deeply unfunny

4 years ago reply 0

Bud got the year wrong and the President. That was 1968 with Johnson. But I'll leave everything else be

4 years ago reply 0

First time tuning , want to listen . I already want to condominium your attitude on limited speech. Its want this country allows. That's why so many people want to live here. You limit it, or correct anyones ideas, you limit yourself. Not a wat to evolve.

4 years ago reply 0

These people don't know what they are talking about. They said the only people who oppose sex work are rich white women because they think that money is theirs. Well that argument is just as valid for working class women. I invited a working class comrade to a strip club and he said no because his wife wouldn't allow it. Plenty of working class people oppose sex work. And opposing sex work doesn't make you right wing or reactionary even if you end up on the same side as them. By that logic Jamie is a right wing libertarian because that's who supports sex work legalization. So calling someone a TERF or SWERF is A) not an argument at all and B) is only a tactic or people who don't have an argument. It's literally an ad-hominem and strawman combined into a single word. First they attack you by calling you a name them they assume they know everything about you because of that name. Anyone who uses the term TERF or SWERF is arguing in bad faith. It's a strawman. If you were actually arguing against someone and their beliefs you would need the strawman of TERF and SWERF. And plenty of women and working class women oppose sex work too. In my experience it's the rich who support sex work while the working class oppose it. These people have no idea what they are talking about and certainly don't sound working class at all. They are over here charging for an hour of service what a working class family makes in weeks. Those are bourgeois services if I ever saw them.

4 years ago reply 0

Like, there was that episode of My Name is Earl in which Joy bought a "Whitey off the Rez," shirt for Darnell at a yard sale because she figured it was closer to aporopriate for him to wear it than her, but this real life instance of prison guard behavior is even more horrific, hence the hysterical humor in calling them "off the rez," even though some of the people they are guarding and attacking with vehicles might very well be from rezervations, literally.

@filleguroxxx : oh, god damb that apostrophe. Can't change it now?
4 years ago reply 0

oh, god damb that apostrophe. Can't change it now?

@filleguroxxx : I dunno, I always find the term "off the reservation" disconcerting, though it does have it's ironic humor in this usage.
4 years ago reply 0

I dunno, I always find the term "off the reservation" disconcerting, though it does have it's ironic humor in this usage.

4 years ago reply 0