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I know this wasn’t the point of the interview, but broadcasting the false statement that covid is behind us is incredibly harmful and irresponsible. Covid is an ongoing crisis and continues to disable and kill children and adults. It continues to have a HUGE impact on the mental and physical health of children and youth. I wish the interviewer had not let that statement go by unquestioned.

2 months ago reply 0

What a delightful man, so much more so than I remember as a teenager.

9 months ago reply 0

The interviewer was combative and constantly interrupting. I’m so tired of the media pushing their political agendas instead of simply reporting.

1 years ago reply 0

Thank you for doing such a good job of holding his feet to the fire. He’s a nut job that needs to be exposed .

1 years ago reply 0

Excellent! Fascinating. I’ve followed USSR/Russia/Putin since the mid ‘70s & this jives.

2 years ago reply 0

I love Patricia marx!! Always makes me laugh out loud! Great stuff!

2 years ago reply 0

I have lived in Europe for 25 years now. My 3 children grew up there but 2 of them live in the US and finished university there. I have had my speech confronted multiple times by the youngest. It makes me feel bad, angry and odd, because I haven’t been part of this evolution. I often feel extremely surprised by some of these word choices, like referring to the ’maid’ as a cleaner. Aren’t both still a job? Or, as you mentioned using the word ’crazy’, I got slapped down about.

2 years ago reply 0

Omg these people HAVE to have consequences! If i or you had done ANY of the fraud or conspiracy that these GOP leadership has done, we would be jailed, fined and the key would be thrown away. Come on. There HAS to be consequences and new laws, rules to avoid a future, smarter Trump. After Nixon new laws were created to try and avoid a similar situation and some of the conspirators were indicted.

2 years ago reply 1

Loved the readet, reading it. Thanks

2 years ago reply 0

These women were such a disappointment. They cynically already except the defeat of our rule of law is holding everyone equally accountable and that was not something that we both wanted to let go of sew to argue on the side of what it would do on the Republican mindset without valuing people who still value our little of law is disgusting

2 years ago reply 0

2 years ago reply 0

Thank you for broadcasting this!

2 years ago reply 0

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2 years ago reply 0

Read the book BRIGHT GREEN LIES if you want to know how destructive renewables are but especially how they won't reduce carbon dioxide.

3 years ago reply 0

What a great podcast. 2 hugely important topics. Thanks!

3 years ago reply 0

Any updates since this aired?

3 years ago reply 0

A remarkable person.

3 years ago reply 0