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It’s the left! It’s the media! It’s the imaginary kid touchers! Well, . Y’all are pretty loud & violent for innocent victims. Honestly, in your estimation, how much of this should the right admit to? 0%? at least gimme a number that’ll allow me to hope there’s some rational introspection left over there.

1 years ago reply 0

Start making sense, stop believing in tales distributed by anonymous cowards. Quit relying on tyrannical megalomaniacs who continue to u just as much as me as long as he tells u what I want to hear.... Then I, for 1, will listen bc both parties are batshit.

1 years ago reply 0

Right. Those local, homegrown terrorists storming the symbol of what makes this country valuable are all victims. U act like radicals, then cry when you’re defined as... nutjobs. Using consp theories as an excuse to further handicap this country is vile. If u had been immigrants from ANYWHERE, you’d be screaming to line em up... And you’d be right. Exactly what we should do. Yet clearly too dumb to be called traitors.

1 years ago reply 0

We’re anxiously waiting, Jeff. Plz ref my response to sgqu above. There’s def an issue. You lose any chance to be taken seriously by claiming Trump is the fix. U really a patriot? U think these antics are the best path to save your beloved country? All your ”issues” feed to u by anonymous! U might as well be Mormon.

1 years ago reply 0

Communist. Really? 1st,a true Communist regime is led by an authoritarian leader,y’know, like trump. You’re really chrry picking your ”facts”. still, you can’t deny his call to arms. Finally, y’all are deciding to believe in these conspiracy theories! Haven’t enough ppl gotten killed to convince u these accusations cause harm!?! Also, every time the govt’s corruption is exposed there’s always a whistleblower. Where’s your Antifa hero? Your purpose hinges on anonymous cowards.

1 years ago reply 0

you are in a communist cult you dummy

@kim😊 : So sad, wasted life. Funny how Trump never came to the rioters rescue after inciting this travesty.. Cults are dangerous folks.
2 years ago reply 1

Communist propoganda pure and simple. and all these people, just like the germans are going along with it. mass formation phsychosis.

2 years ago reply 1

So sad, wasted life. Funny how Trump never came to the rioters rescue after inciting this travesty.. Cults are dangerous folks.

2 years ago reply 2

How do people listen to these liars?? Every word out of their mouths!!! Stop drinking the blue kool aid every single bad thing that has happened in America has happened because of the democratic party and our new podcast will finally sent the record straight

2 years ago reply 5

FBI has their dirty hands in all this, but I doubt that will be mentioned

2 years ago reply 4

Man they are really pushing this gaslighting narrative that conservatives are the unhinged radicals in our society. This swill is being forced down every throat in the nation.

2 years ago reply 4

This sounds like far left propaganda from the jump. It‘s a shame were being bombarded by this so often these days

2 years ago reply 6

Brent, looks like you forgot to whipe that Trump dribble off of your chin there sugarlips...

2 years ago reply 2

This is standard radical woke left dribble. The media releasing her name was a selfish action for their financial gain that cost the family so much pain. Shame on them and shame on this incredibly biased story.

2 years ago reply 9

You‘ve got to be kidding me, right? Every ”radical” from the 6th was hoping the orange skinned clown would be there to swoop in and save them from the consequences of actions!!

2 years ago reply 5