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Didn't even talk about the subject. Everything but. Disappointed. Unfollowed.

4 years ago reply 0

More content. Less bs.

4 years ago reply 0

I just want to say I really enjoy your show. I always look forward to new episodes being posted. But it is hard for me to want to listen when it's about covid 19. Seems like I cant get away from it or find a break anywhere.

4 years ago reply 0

Hey there! I just wanted to say that I really love and enjoy your podcast. I listen to all of your new episodes and past ones every night before I go to sleep. I get alot of good laughs. I'm excited that your back.

4 years ago reply 0

Insects ARE ANIMALS.....they belong to the kingdom Animalia

4 years ago reply 0

another gem ! #SALUTE

4 years ago reply 0

Jessie said he lied about the time and the rope to “trick the police and to see if they were lying.” Jessie says he feels the other boys tricked him into what he did. Jessie claims he has felt sorry for what has happened and talks as if he wants to testify against the other boys so they will not go free and to help himself. Jessie did say the photograph showed to him was a group picture of the boys “riding” their bycycles in front of a house.

4 years ago reply 0

The three young boys were seen from a distance when Damion told Jessie and Jason to hide. Jessie said they were hiding behind bushes when Damion grabbed Michael Moore. The two other young boys started hitting Damion trying to help their friend and that is when Jessie and Jason jumped out and helped Damion “beat them.” Jessie advised he helped hold them and beat them but had no part in raping or killing them. Jessie advised two of the boys were raped from behind before and after they were tied up and that Damion and Jason were taking turns with the two boys. Jessie said the boys were still alive at this time. Jessie said the boys were kept quiet by putting hands over their mouths and that Jason and Damion had used “shirts” and that times their face was pushed down into the ground. Jessie was asked how the boys were kept under control while being raped and not tied yet and he stated “They were like puppies, when you whoop a puppy and tell it to stay, it will.” Jessie did say he had to catch Michael Moore but did not say at what point

4 years ago reply 0

JESSIE’S CONFESSION TO SHERIFF DEPUTIES: Jessie Misskelley’s police car confession – February 4, 1994 On Friday, February 4, 1994, the jury found Jessie Misskelley guilty and sentenced him to life in prison plus 40 years. The “false confession” defense concocted by his lawyers had failed. That afternoon, Jessie confessed anew to the two deputies transporting him to prison. One deputy wrote out an incident report summarizing what Jessie told them. On the afternoon of Feb. 4th 1994, Deputy James Lindsey and myself were transporting Jessie Miskelley to the Arkansas Department of Corrections at Pine Bluff. Jessie was asked if there was anything he wanted to say and after being assured we could not use anything he said against him in court, he chose to talk. Jessie advised he had received a call from Jason Baldwin asking him if he wanted to go to West Memphis to “get some girls.” Jessie, Damion, and Jason met on a local road on May 5th (sometime that evening). Jessie claimed that he had been drinking Evelyn Williams whiskey that Mrs. Hutchson had bought him and Jason and Damion were drinking beer. It was also stated that they had smoked two marijuana joints that afternoon. Jessie said that he had known Jason Baldwin since the 6th Grade and did not know Damion that well but that Damion would drink human blood remembering a time when Jason was bleeding and Damion took some of the blood with his finger and licked it off. Jessie stated that Officer Callahan had lied in Court about not seeing him on May 5th, Jessie claims they had a short conversation. After all meeting on the road, the three boys walked to the woods and were sitting in the water with Jason and Damion “going under,” Jessie said he could not go under because of his ear problem.

4 years ago reply 0

I cannot begin to tell you guys how pathetic this podcast is. You perpetuate a lot of false narratives and have not ethically researched the case.

4 years ago reply 0

On May 10th, 5 days after the murders, Echols spoke to investigators, describing the murders as a “thrill kill”. He also offered that the the murders were part of the killer wanting “more power” from killing such young children. He also told investigators that the “killer probably felt good doing it” and he “probably thinks it’s funny” and “doesn’t care if he gets caught”. He volunteered that the “boys were not that big and easy to control” and that the “killer was local and knew the kids went out there. Damien had described himself as sociopathic and homicidal in a recent Psychiatric hospitalization. Damien had told a friend before the murders that he wondered what it would be like to kill someone. He was devoted to Aleister Crowley, who taught on acquiring power through child sacrifice. Damien had already been killing and mutilating animals and was ready for the next step. Pretty much EVERY kid who knew him knew he was a Satan worshiper. NO SATANIC PANIC...he really was one. Later, he mockingly laughed at the families of the victims. People who believe in his innocence are STUCK ON STUPID and dishonor those three victims. Damien also spoke about wondering what it would be like to kill someone. He even told L.G. Hollingsworth just prior to the murders, “I’m thinking of killing someone.” RESEARCH The DAMN CASE YOU FOOLS!

5 years ago reply 0

31) Why did Jessie Misskelley Sr. admit Jessie “could have been there” but had nothing to do with the murders? 32) Why do WM 3 supporters never mention the following: Candle Wax What appeared to be blue candle wax was found on a book (called Never on a Broomstick) in Echols' bedroom. A small blue candle was also found on a table in Domini Teer's bedroom. (Domini Teer was Echols' girlfriend at the time). Why is this important? Because blue candle wax was found on the shirt of victim Stevie Branch. It was never proven that the waxes matched, but this strange coincidence was mentioned in the prosecution's closing argument. 33)Why don’t the WM 3 supporters ever admit the so called “bite mark” matches identically with the bottom of the compass knife that Damien carried around constantly?

5 years ago reply 0

25) Why did Damien offer the following: On May 10th, 5 days after the murders, Echols spoke to investigators, describing the murders as a “thrill kill”. He also offered that the the murders were part of the killer wanting “more power” from killing such young children. He also told investigators that the “killer probably felt good doing it” and he “probably thinks it’s funny” and “doesn’t care if he gets caught”. He volunteered that the “boys were not that big and easy to control” and that the “killer was local and knew the kids went out there. 26) Why did Jason take about THIRTY seconds to answer the question from his attorney “Do you think Damien could have killed those boys?” Why does he keep looking down, unable to immediately and categorically say Damien didn’t? 27) Why do WM 3 supporters not understand that the three’s OWN attorneys state the Hobbs hair is really no evidence at all?? Why can’t WM 3 supporters fully research the many, many problems with this so called “evidence”???...yet use it when it’s convenient? 28) Why did a woman who helped financially support these three guys for years.....IMMEDIATELY cease after having a more directive and honest conversation with Jessie? Why don’t WM 3 supporters ever mention this? Pretty amazing story if you care to research...which 90% of WM 3 supporters don’t.

5 years ago reply 0

Dime a dozen. You have not truly researched. This case is actually a slam dunk if you fully research. As is, you show yourselves to be dishonorable, reckless and a disgrace to those boys. You guys mislead, omit facts and are horribly prepared. You sound like the other 1000 podcasts out there that promote innocence. You guys have zero clue what really went on. This was 1000% orchestrated by Damien in allegiance to his belief that he’d gain power through human taught by Crowley...with child sacrifice being the most efficacious. Did you SEE HIS DAMN CHILD SACRIFICE DRAWINGS??? Did you know he was in a Satanic Cult for FIVE YEARS and wanted to sacrifice the firstborn child with Deanna Holcomb??? Do you understand how afraid his parents were of him...and the stuff he said....described himself as a “Devil Worshipping Vampire” and “a sociopath” and “homicidal”??! Do you understand whom he confessed to?? Including his friend Kenneth Watkins??? You guys are DOPES. Sorry, somebody needs to hold you accountable. You sound EXACTLY like most of the other profane, poorly researched, BLINDED fools who do podcasts and put their crap on You Tube. You are BLIND. And you promote EVIL DECEPTION. Damien has fooled all of you idiots. He has controlled this for years. And Jason is a sociopath as wel. Only Jessie had a conscience and that’s what he was crying hysterically the nights after the murders and confessed SEVEN KNOWN TIMES!!! Including against the advice of his attorney!! And I’ve only given you 10% of what is out there if you freaking RESEARCH!!

5 years ago reply 0

You guys are all a dime a dissenter.

5 years ago reply 0

Jessie Misskelley's alibi initially looked stronger. His defence attorneys found several people who were willing to testify that Misskelley was attending a wrestling game in Dyess at the time of the murders. The wrestling story features prominently in Paradise Lost and West of Memphis, but the films leave out some important context. In actual fact, the alibi largely crumbled under cross-examination, as the witnesses were inconsistent and contradicted each other. The prosecution team also produced a receipt which suggested the trip had probably occurred in April, before the murders. Tellingly, Misskelley never mentions the wrestling trip in any of his police statements Is it really credible that none of the three accused men are able to provide a good alibi for the most infamous night in West Memphis history? Real innocent people are obviously somewhere else, and they leave a trace behind. If the men really are not guilty, then they are incredibly unlucky to be unable to convincingly account for their true whereabouts.

5 years ago reply 0

Clearly, if Echols' lawyers had evidence that he was elsewhere when the crimes occurred then they would have used it. That they don't call the girls is because they would have contradicted their client's alibi, an inconvenient fact that both Damien Echols and the Paradise Lost films are keen we don't know. There's also no reason to believe the defense team wouldn't have had access to the phone records for that night. Tellingly, since Echols would probably have been acquitted if the phone alibi story was true, they don't use them. Jason Baldwin's alibi proved too flimsy and inconsistent to use at trial. His lawyers found it so difficult to piece together any coherent timeline of Jason's whereabouts on the day that they took the unusual course of not presenting any alibi witnesses at all. One of the defence team lawyers, Paul Ford, explained this decision in 2008 - "I concluded from my efforts that I did not find successfully what I was looking for, for the purposes of establishing an alibi that I felt would not unravel on me, which I believe is much more detrimental than not presenting one at all."

5 years ago reply 0