Comments (16)

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Thank you for the podcast, and I hope the bad attitudes change and indigenous people are welcomed and respected.

2 years ago reply 1

A good thing to bring this bad thing into the open. omfg this is really happening in this day and age,shame shame shame on all of you,how do you live wth what you do,you are barbarians and hidious individuals. My heart breaks for all of the Native American people living in this hell hole.

4 years ago reply 2

This is an amazing podcast. The music is heavy and haunting under the stories of the people. And my heart breaks for the native population and it's crushing reality.

4 years ago reply 0

What a great find. I lived in Thunder Bay from age 7-19. If I was asked about living in Thunder Bay, it was a tough crime city with open racism expecially towards the native population. As the only Korean family in Thunder Bay. I faced racism but not to the point against the native population. I have not been back since 1988, fantastic Podcast. It's one fucked up city. Saying all this I had many fond memories. Keep up the great work. Bringing back alot of memories.

4 years ago reply 0

Season 2! Yes!!

4 years ago reply 0

They are planning to do so. You can look it up.

@Sharna : They need to make a t.v series based off of this podcast. The depth of depravity in Thunder Bay is sickening and sad. I have heard northern Ontario is screwed up but it seems the levels of corruption run so deep how can anyone believe justice or protection for vulnerable communities would ever be met. The fox cannot guard the chicken.
4 years ago reply 0

Is Thunder Bay coming back?

5 years ago reply 0

Send the f@#$ back to Finland and give it all back to the Native people's who have bin there for centuries!! We are not all bad but there is definitely lots of white trash and seems like there's lots in Thunder Bay.

5 years ago reply 0

Geez I just listened to the whole show and I am sick over the depravity of these white privileged ice cold people. Shame on all of these racist fools. I'm sorry perhaps they misunderstand what "native" means...hell I'm American...second generation...I am grateful to live in country that is free. These natives are treated with such disrespect! Talk about complete disregard for human life. I really need to know what's happening up there! Not so much about the dirty politicians and cops. Becaise I wanna smack some sense into these bigots. Sorry for the long winded rant. I feel outrage right now. Thank you for rhe excellent story telling.

5 years ago reply 0

Makes me feel bad that i live here and have never heard about this stuff

5 years ago reply 0

Thank you for this podcast. I plan on donating because these stories and more need to be told! Not for entertainment purposes or as stories to gawk at. These stories need exposure. Ppl need to know what is happening elsewhere, beyond what mainstream media feed us. Please keep informing us and the world

5 years ago reply 0

Cringing at the privileged talking about these native children

5 years ago reply 1

Only one more episode?! Noo! Thunder Bay seems to have so much shady business going on this could be a regular weekly podcast! So good

5 years ago reply 3

They need to make a t.v series based off of this podcast. The depth of depravity in Thunder Bay is sickening and sad. I have heard northern Ontario is screwed up but it seems the levels of corruption run so deep how can anyone believe justice or protection for vulnerable communities would ever be met. The fox cannot guard the chicken.

5 years ago reply 2

I haven't been able to download the last two episodes at all, on either Podbean or Podcast Addict (Android). Has anyone else faced this problem? I have tried everything and am fresh out of ideas.

5 years ago reply 0

A sad, crazy, unflinching, eye rolling, sometimes funny, heartbreaking Lynchian nightmare. Thunder bay has much to answer for but, the podcast makes for a startling dive into a nightmare reality.

5 years ago reply 3